Deadbeat: A worthless idler who sponges on his friends; a sponger, loafer. A person who is not willing to work, does not behave in a responsible way, and does not fit into ordinary society. If you refer to someone as a deadbeat, you are criticizing them because you think they are lazy and do not want to be part of ordinary society.

中文释义:在19世纪的美国,beat也意指“An idle, worthless, or shiftless fellow”(无所事事、到处闲逛的人),而dead一词作为副词时可以指totally, completely(完全地,用来加强程度)。所以deadbeat引申为 “吃软饭的人”、“游手好闲的人”。deadbeat还有有一个引申用法是DBD,也就是deadbeat dad,意思是不负责任的爸爸,指那些不承担抚养责任,不支付子女抚养费用的父亲。dead beat的拼写形式有三种,dead beat, dead-beat和deadbeat。这三种拼写方式没有明确的区分,都可以使用,比较常用的是deadbeat。dead beat除了用作名词之外也能用作形容词,意思是“筋疲力尽的”。

E.G.01: He’s a deadbeat; don’t count on getting that money back.(他就是个欠债不还的人,别指望从他身上把钱拿回来。)
E.G.02: But even if he was a deadbeat dad and a bit of a nut, Duffy had a dream as big as the Pacific Ocean and little could deter him.(但是尽管达菲是个有些疯狂的落魄父亲,可他的梦想却像太平洋一样大,几乎没有什么能够阻止他追寻自己的梦想。)
E.G.03: After the long climb up that mountain we were all dead beat.(花了好长时间爬上那座山之后,我们都筋疲力尽了。)