
Desperate Housewives Narrator Mary Alice Young

DH S01E18Part01-02练习及答案:

Take sth with a grain of salt:it means to view or interpret something with skepticism or doubt, not taking it literally or completely seriously. (对某事保持怀疑或不完全相信,不把它当作完全的事实或认真对待。)

She presented her case as though it were cast in stone, but I took it with a grain of salt. You can never trust someone who thinks they have the world at their feet, especially when their actions are shady at best—we’ll see what the truth really is in time.

The tale he spun about his success seemed like a hollow shell, and though he had all the right words, I took it with a grain of salt. After all, actions speak louder than words, and the proof is in the pudding—until I see it, it’s nothing but smoke and mirrors.

His explanation of the sudden success seemed a bit too polished, so I took it with a grain of salt, knowing how he had a knack for spinning a yarn. His tales, though impressive, had a way of skating over the truth, and I knew it was best to avoid buying into it completely.

The world is one’s oyster:it means that one has the ability or opportunity to achieve anything or go anywhere, with limitless possibilities ahead. It suggests that the world offers a wide range of opportunities that are within reach for someone. (意味着一个人有能力或机会实现任何事情或去任何地方,前方充满无限可能。它暗示着世界提供了广泛的机会,这些机会对某人来说触手可及,让其可以随心所欲,感觉世界尽在掌控。)

As Lily ventured to a new city for her dream job, it was clear to her that the world was her oyster. Armed with determination, she was ready to chip away at a steady rate and forge ahead, knowing full well that every setback is a setup for a comeback.


With his new venture taking off, he realized that the world was his oyster. As the offers came pouring in, it became clear that fortune favors the bold,  he’s now puffed up with pride, asserting that it’s time to make a name for himself.


After receiving the prestigious scholarship, it felt as though the world was her oyster. With every door open to her, she couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity, and her future was now just a matter of taking it in stridethe sky’s the limit

Under the thumb of someone:it refers to being controlled or dominated by someone else, often in a way that limits one’s independence or freedom. (被别人控制或支配,通常是以一种限制个人独立性或自由的方式。)

Despite his outward success, Robert was still under the thumb of his boss, unable to make key decisions on his own. His aspirations were stifled, and no matter how hard he tried to take the reins, he always found himself constantly bowing to his superior’s demands.

Ter domineering mentor kept Jenny under the thumb, dictating every aspect of her work. She felt like her creativity was on a leash, and no matter how much she tried to break free, she was always dragged back into the same cycle, never able to spread her wings.

Julia, who had always prided herself on her independence, suddenly found herself under the thumb of her new partner, who insisted on making every decision for her. No matter how much she went through the motions, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had lost her touch, as if she had fallen into a rut.

今日引语推荐(Breakfast at Tiffany’s)

“Life’s a funny thing, isn’t it? One moment, you think you have everything you need, and you stand on top of the world, feeling like you have it all figured out. And then, in the blink of an eye, everything changes. You find yourself scrambling for something to hold on to, anything to stop the falling, and you realize that all the pieces of yourself, the ones you thought were secure, are scattered on the floor, and you’re alone, trying to piece them together before they slip away forever.”


“I never asked for this kind of life, where every glance, every smile feels like a lie I’ve been forced to live. I never thought I would spend so much time pretending, masking my insecurities with charm and wit, trying to convince the world, and more painfully, myself, that I was happy. But here I am, caught in the same web of illusion I thought I could escape, longing for something real, something pure, though I’m not even sure what that means anymore.”


DH S01E18Part03-04练习及答案:

Lose one’s shirt:to lose a substantial amount of money, often due to a poor investment or bad financial decision. It suggests a significant financial loss, typically one that could be avoided with more caution or better judgment. (因错误的投资或不好的财务决策而失去大量的钱财。它通常暗示着重大经济损失,通常如果更加小心或判断更为明智,这种损失是可以避免的。)

After a disastrous real estate deal, he felt he had lost his shirt, but his business partner reminded him that failure was merely a bump in the road. As they adjusted their strategy, he came to understand that one should never count chickens before they hatch.

She went all in on a tech startup that promised the world, but it soon turned out to be a pipe dream. As she watched her investment crumble, she realized she had lost her shirt, despite all the effort she had put in to keep the wheels turning.

Her desire for instant riches led her to make risky investments, and before long, she had lost her shirt. Her friends tried to console her, reminding her that you can’t have both ways, but deep down, she understood that chasing after every fleeting opportunity was a sure way to fall flat on one’s face.

By the skin of one’s teeth:it means to narrowly escape a difficult situation or rigorous trail, often by a very small margin. It refers to achieving something or surviving a challenge just in time or with minimal success. (勉强逃脱困境或通过严竣考验,通常是靠非常微小的差距。它指的是及时完成某事或勉强解决问题,往往是到最后一刻。)

He passed the rigorous exam by the skin of his teeth, having barely managed to keep his shirt on during the final part. Despite all the fancy footwork he employed to navigate tricky questions, his last-minute answers were nothing but a leap of faith.

They avoided a disastrous delay by the skin of their teeth, as the flight was on the verge of being canceled. Though they had pulled a rabbit out of the hat with their last-minute check-in, the frantic [‘fræntɪk] rush left them feeling like they had stared down the barrel of a gun.

Her performance in the competition was by the skin of her teeth, as she managed to squeeze through the final rounds despite multiple missteps. She had spent months keeping the wheels in motion, but in the end, it was her ability to seize the reins during the final stretch that saved her.

Breath down one’s neck:it means to apply constant pressure or scrutiny, often causing discomfort or anxiety. (不断施加压力或严密审视,常让人感到焦虑,仿佛每个动作都在被严格监视。)

As the final hours ticked away, her editor’s breath down her neck echoed like the growing murmur of an approaching storm. She feared the project might come undone at the seams, but instead of succumbing to panic, she resolved to stand tall amidst the deluge [‘deljuːdʒ].

With the submission deadline closing in, he could feel the committee’s breath down his neck, their every word a subtle threat in the silence of the room. It was as though he were walking through a storm of whispers, yet he chose to hold the line and forge ahead.

As the night wore on and the audience grew restless, he could feel the director’s breath down his neck, as though every glance was a silent command. It was as if he were wading through quicksand, each moment sinking deeper, but he refused to let the pressure break his stride.

今日引语推荐(Wuthering Heights)

“It is a curious thing, this relentless pursuit of love—how it can both elevate and destroy, how the heart, in its desperation, becomes willing to sacrifice its very essence for the fleeting satisfaction of a gaze, a touch, a word. Yet, even in its greatest agony, the soul remains unsatisfied, forever yearning for something beyond, as if love, in its truest form, is a wild force that cannot be tamed or controlled, and only in surrendering ourselves to it can we find the peace we so desperately crave.”


“There are some wounds that never heal, and it is through the constant reminder of those scars that we come to understand our true nature. It is only in the painful embrace of our brokenness, in the quiet acceptance of our imperfections, that we find the strength to stand tall and continue forward, for the heart that has been shattered is the only heart capable of knowing true resilience, and it is through our scars that we come to discover the depth of our capacity for love.”


DH S01E18Part05-06练习及答案:

The tip of the iceberg:refers to the small, visible portion of something much larger or more complex that is hidden underneath. It is often used to describe situations where there is more going on than meets the eye. (冰山一角——某事物的一个小而显而易见的部分,而更大、更复杂的部分则隐藏在其下面。这个短语常用来形容某些情况背后隐藏着更多的问题或复杂性。)

Her unexpected resignation was only the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes, there’s been a lot of bad blood brewing, and soon enough, this issue will hit the fan and we’ll all be scrambling to cover our tracks.

What you see here is just the tip of the iceberg; there’s a whole can of worms waiting to be uncovered, and once we dig deeper, the whole thing could blow up in our faces, leaving us with egg on our face.

“The incident we’ve just witnessed is merely the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface, the undercurrents of unspoken grudges run deep, and when they finally break the surface, it will be like a tempest unleashed, leaving nothing but tattered remnants in its wake.

Catch lightning in a bottle:it means to accomplish something extremely difficult or almost impossible, often a rare moment of success or achievement that is hard to replicate. (做成一件极为困难或几乎不可能的事情,通常是指那些难以复制的成功或成就的罕见时刻。)

What they achieved in that fleeting moment could only be described as catching lightning in a bottle; the stars aligned, the timing was perfect, and everyone was at the top of their game, creating something that no one thought possible.

She managed to catch lightning in a bottle when she negotiated the impossible deal—she’d defied the odds and turned the situation on its head, with results that rang true across the industry, much to everyone’s surprise.

To get the team to work in perfect harmony was like trying to catch lightning in a bottle—but when they finally clicked, it felt like we’d struck gold, and the project was suddenly on fire, with all our efforts bearing fruit in ways we hadn’t imagined.

Shoot fish in a barrel:it means to do something that is so easy, it requires little to no effort or skill. It implies a task that is practically effortless or extremely simple. (做某件事非常容易,几乎不需要任何努力或技巧。它指的是一个几乎不费吹灰之力的任务,极其简单。)

Her victory in the pitch was like shooting fish in a barrel, as the competition was all at sea, and she seized the reins of the conversation from the start, leaving no room for doubt that she was the one calling the shots.

Winning the debate felt like shooting fish in a barrel; the opposition was out of their depth, and she had the wind in her sails, armed with facts make everything seemed to fall into her lap without effort.

Closing that deal was shooting fish in a barrel for him, the market was ripe for the picking, and he knew just how to tip the scales in his favor when negotiating with the investors, ensuring that he would leave with the lion’s share of the rewards.

今日引语推荐(The great expectations)

“The world around us may be a tempest, with its fierce winds and ceaseless storms, but in the deepest recesses of the soul, there is a stillness that cannot be disturbed. It is in this sacred silence that we come to know who we truly are, for it is only when we stop chasing the fleeting distractions of life that we can hear the whispers of our own heart, guiding us toward the path we were always meant to follow.”


“In the quiet moments of reflection, we come to understand that the only true enemy we face is not the circumstances around us, but the limitations we place on ourselves. It is easy to blame the world for our shortcomings, but true strength lies in breaking free from the chains of self-doubt and embracing the boundless possibilities that await us. For life is not a series of obstacles, but an unfolding of opportunities that demand we rise, again and again, to become the person we were always meant to be.”



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