
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E03-Part02


Foam at the mouthTo produce foam from one’s mouth, as due to a disease or other ailment.(口沫横飞)

Frat[fræt] partyIt’s a party in America thrown when in colleges. They are thrown in fraternities (male dorms) or ‘frats’ and tend to known for being very loud and messy.(兄弟会派对、大学生联谊派对)

Frat party

Frat parties can be the highlight of any college student’s underclassmen career, but if you don’t know the ropes they can come with more trouble than they’re worth.

Whine[waɪn] aboutTo complain about someone or sth in an irritating, childish, or peevish way. (呜咽、发牢骚)

这个“Whine about”与“complain about”的区别在于:whine形容那种哼哼唧唧、嘟嘟嚷嚷的抱怨,表露不满显得较为压抑,而complain是相对正式和直接的抱怨。

Work awayTo continue to work diligently at something. (不断努力地进行某事)

Has sth to do with sthTo be related to something or a cause of something but not in a way that you know about or understand exactly. (与……有关;非常口语化的字串,相当于”with respect to”, “in regard to”)

Taking a (moral) hard lineTo have or assume a very strict, inflexible, and unequivocal view or position. 「坚守(道德)底线、坚定(道德)立场」


Gaby: Hi, Ashley. 嗨 阿什莉

——>> Remember me? We — we met earlier. 还记得我吗 我们之前见过

——>> Wow ah! Aren’t you the little artist? 你真是个小画家啊

——>> What are those — flamingos? 那些是什么 火烈鸟?

Ashley: No. 不是

Gaby: Well, they’re very pretty. 画得很漂亮

——>> It almost looks like they’re kissing. 它们仿佛在接吻

——>> Funny thing about kissing 其实接吻这件事

——>> It’s not just for husbands and wives. 并不是夫妻间才能做的哦

——>> Sometimes we kiss our mom or our grandpa. 我们有时会亲亲妈妈或者爷爷

——>> Sometimes we even kiss our dog. Ha ha. 有时会亲亲小狗

——>> Sometimes we even kiss people who are just our friends, 有时还会亲吻我们的朋友

——>> kind of like a high-five on the lips. Right? 像是在用嘴唇来击掌 对吗

——>> Ah, Hey, Ash, 阿什啊

——>> I was at the mall, and I saw this. 我刚在商场看到这个

——>> I thought you might like it. 我猜你会喜欢­

——>> She’s Hawaiian. 她来自夏威夷

——>> Her name is princess Kahalua, 是卡哈鲁瓦公主

——>> and I think it means “little waterfall,  我想涵义大概是”小瀑布”

——>> or “big pond” or something. 或者”大池塘”之类的

——>> OK,So we’re good, right? 好 那我们没问题了 是吧

——>> Well, you enjoy your new little friend, 你和你的新朋友玩

——>> and if there’s anything else you need, you just let me know. 还需要什么就告诉我


Flamingo[flə’mɪŋɡəʊ]A large bird with pink feathers, long, thin legs, a long neck, and a beak that curves down. (火烈鸟)


BlockA solid piece of material that has flat sides and is usually square or rectangular in shape. (方块或圆底物,这里Gaby是在说她的鞋跟。)

RideThe kind of journey you make in a car, train, bus, etc.(乘坐汽车、飞机或一同前行的)旅行

Social engagement[ɪn’ɡeɪdʒmənt]One’s degree of participation in a community or society.(社交聚会、社交活动)

Doing/did sth in one’s honorAs a way to show respect and admiration for someone. (对某人表露尊重与仰慕)

E.G.1:Both of them. And they were so fun and silly. And they insisted on throwing a party in my honor. (SATC S06E20)

E.G.2:Susan, we wanna give you and Mike a proper welcome home, so we are having a dinner party in your honor. (DHS07E23)

E.G.3:Look, grandma. Zoila made fried chicken and corn on the cob in your honor. (Devious Maids S02E09)



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