Hit the park / hit the road / hit the target:
Enjoy the vacation?
Lynette has been on her last nerves. She needs more than a week
She wants to settle this matter once and for all.
She’s constantly under a terrible strain
ADD Medication
Had somebody Popping pills / pumping pills
Pub someone’s head together and come up with a solution.
Commitment: 承担的义务
Tom agreed to scrape up money.
Moron period:
As happy as a clam:
The full phrase is “happy as a clam at high tide.” Clams can only be dug up at low tides, so at high tide a clam is safer and secure, so therefore, happy.
Take your marks:
An ounce (盎司) of…
Just a tiny little/ a small fraction of remorse.
Rex’s is defending his son Andrew.
Keep up a façade/ appearances
Lose one’s shot/chance:
Rex shot the question:
Give it a shot:
Ensure sb to do /doing sth:
It ensures (that)
That’s risk I’m willing to take / I’ll take my chances.
After all, They’re arguing about who has a major say when it comes to child discipline.
They’ve already made a clear break.
Hooked up with each other.
Got the……bug? Charity/ dance/ hacker 动了…念头
Word on the street / rumor has it that….
Desperate Housewives
Following her tuition:
Far-fetched: 理由太牵强
Gaby screwed over her husband Carlos
Run off with somebody:
Basket case:
You have no idea what My life was like.
Why don’t you enlighten me? 点醒
You have more money than you can spend.
Adorable (Carlos把她老婆当花瓶) / lovely:
Rationalization:合理化 (强词夺理)
Upper-middle 社会地位和所在的社会圈层
In you go, off you go, here you go, there you go, off you go……
Each one more incompetent than the last.
Take advantage of sth:利用、借助
Expert(ise):专门意见、专业意见 ()
Poach / Raid:To take and use sb/ sth that belongs to sb/sth else. (挖墙角)
At one fling:一鼓作气
Unseemly:不地道 / 不体面 / 不像话 / 不妥 / 不道德 /有点缺德
Twisting someone’s arm:强人所难 / 强扭的瓜不甜
Reap the benefits:获得/收获 好处
You reap what you sow. (种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。)
Score: win sb over (赢得)
A list = high-grade
Awesome = fabulous
Impeccable = excellent
The jig is up…
Bree had started to worry her son’s sense of morality has going up in smoke (灰风烟灭、烟消去散).
What I was wondering is (分裂句) if you’ve bothered to spend any time reflecting on the reasons you’ve been grounded and the pain you’ve caused the Solis family.
Dirty jokes:黄段子
The low-down:
Everything just kind of balances itself out and goes all smooth again.
It comes with the territory
Smoking joints/ Debbie/mari juana
Strung/string out:神志不清/ 神情恍惚
Shift change:换班
One of those days: 糟糕的几天
Hung up on:挂断某人的电话/ 对某人朝思mu想 (一厢情愿的暗恋)
Lame Yard boy: 未谙世事的
Get out:被传出去
On the upside/downside:好的一面/坏的一面
Every coin has a flip side.
Your social status at school is going to explode when people find out you’re doing a hot housewife.
Have an affair with one the housewives
With the money I pay you, you can afford a padlock. (独立主格)
Recipe for disaster:
Troubled young man:
Progressively: 逐步向前地;日益增加地