




According to the regulation, citizens of shanghai are required to sort household garbage into four categories—dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen waste), recyclable sand hazardous waste—and individuals who fail to do so will be fined up to 200 yuan. For companies and institutions, the fine can go up to 50,000 yuan. Inaddition, transport operators can refuse to pickup the garbage if it’s not properly sorted.

According to the regulation, if not requested by guests, hotels should not provide disposable slippers and shower caps, while restaurants and food delivery businesses should not provide disposable cutlery. Government and public institutions are not allowed to use disposable cups in the office and should give priority in purchasing products made from recycled materials. All the courier companies that operate in the city should use digital orders and environment-friendly materials for packaging.

The ministry of housing and urban-rural development has previously said that 46 key cities will continue to increase investment in facilities to classify and treat household waste in 2019 to meet the demand. By the end of 2020, waste classification and treatment systems will be basically in place in 46 key cities that have been tested first. By 2025, cities at the prefecture-level and above should basically have their own waste sorting and treatment systems in place.


Question 01:

Yes, I totally go along with it, the act of implementing garbage classification provides us with a more favorable living environment and has positive effects on the Chinese culture as well as urban image, not to mention the benefits of boosting the efficiency of garbage transportation and easing the workload of sanitation workers.

Question 02:

Well, I have confidence in the citizens of Shanghai, since most of the people living in Shanghai are highly educated and well-informed, they’re more willing to play by the rules when it comes to civilization and business ethics. Apart from this, with the reputation of the international metropolis and the ambition of becoming a leading global financial hub, Citizens in Shanghai are motivated to obey whatever makes them proud.

Question 03:

To better facilitate the change, personally, I think there’re three aspects the government should take into account.

Firstly, the government should generalize resources at their disposal to promote this scheme so as to disseminate public awareness. To be more specific, mounting campaigns endorsed by superstars or online celebrities who have a positive image; encourages property management companies to design and dispatch leaflets, flyers, and posters to inform and educate the people who live in the respective compound. Furthermore, the government could also take advantage of the enormous influence of social media and public transportation facilities to accelerate the promotion progress.

Secondly, the law enforcement departments should, on one hand, set up a committee to oversee the implementation of this newly issued policy, on the other, devise an incentive program to facilitate the change. As far as I am concerned, the most practical way to make sure a better execution is rewarding districts that are outstanding in terms of contribution and performance while punishing those who’re inefficient or lagging behind.

Last but not least, incorporating a motivating mechanism into the day-to-day running of sanitation workers, by stimulating frontline workers to keep a sharp eye on their respective areas is a sounding way to go, for instance, reminding people who’re not aware of the new policy and soliciting those who do not comply with this regulation will definitely enhance the awareness of this newly issued policy among citizens. Since the sanitation workers are frontline practitioners, motivating and subsidizing relevant departments they’re in would give the garbage classification initiative a real boost.


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