看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Get in one’s/the way
Get in one’s/the way: To obstruct or interfere with something; prevent somebody from doing something; prevent something from happening. As in He wouldn’t allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.

中文释义:“in the/one’s way”不是“在前往…的路上”,更加贴切的含义是“某个东西(或某个人)挡住/阻碍了我的去路”,此时如果你想要某人让开,或把某物挪开,就可以用 out of my way。另外引申两个相近短语:1、on the way:在前往…的路上,你都已经在路上了,是不是也快到目的地了,所以on the way也可以说,快到了。2、in a way,世界上有很多的way,这里 in a way,就是选择其中一条,也就是从某一程度上的意思。例句:In a way I felt cheated.(在某种程度上,我有上当受骗的感觉)。

EG.01: I will visit you on Sunday, if there is nothing gets in the way.(如果没有什么妨碍的话,我将在星期日去拜访你。)
EG.02: Mary tried to clean the house, but her baby got in her way.(玛丽想打扫房子,可是她的孩子总是碍手碍脚的。)