看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Get off on the wrong foot
Get off on the wrong foot: To start a relationship or situation badly. If someone gets off on the wrong foot in a new situation, they make a bad start by doing something in completely the wrong way.
As in Even though they had been preparing for the election for some time, they got off on the wrong foot.

中文释义:get off on the wrong foot是指某人一开始就没给人一个好印象,或一开始由于某种行为而把事情弄糟了,一开头就不顺利,出师不利的意思。例句:We got off on the wrong foot the other day . let ‘ s try again(我们那天出师不利。再试一次吧。)

E.G.1:Don’t judge me, Mr. Virgin Plus One. — OK, OK, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot again. Susan…Cheerio? [ˌtʃɪəri’əʊ]) Bob’s your uncle? (DH S03E03 22:13)
参考翻译:不要评判我,处男加一先生。 — 好的,好的,我们似乎开局不顺。苏珊…要不就此别过? 诸事顺利?(一切会好起来的。)Mr. Virgin Plus One:it is a playful and somewhat teasing nickname or term used to refer to someone who is perceived as inexperienced or unfamiliar with a particular situation or context. It suggests that the person is not only new to the situation but also lacks previous knowledge or expertise in that area.
In the context provided, “Cheerio?” is used as a casual and friendly way to say goodbye or farewell. It’s an informal way of bidding someone farewell on a positive note. The speaker is essentially asking if the other person is ready to say goodbye in a friendly and amicable [‘æmɪkəbl] manner.
在提供的上下文中,”Cheerio?” 用作一种随意而友好的告别方式。这是一种非正式的方式,用来友好地向某人告别。说话者实际上是在问对方是否准备以友好和和善的方式告别。
Bob’s your uncle :it is a British colloquial expression that is used to indicate that something is easy, straightforward, or simple to accomplish. It’s often used to suggest that once you follow a set of instructions or steps, success is guaranteed or a solution is found. ()
In the context provided, “Bob’s your uncle” is used somewhat humorously and playfully to suggest that after the awkward or rocky start they’ve had, things have now been resolved or made better. It’s a way of saying, “Everything is fine now,” or “We’re on good terms.” In this case, the speaker is trying to smooth over the situation and make amends with Susan, implying that things are back to being good between them.
在提供的上下文中,”Bob’s your uncle” 被用于一种幽默而轻松的语境中,暗示在经历了尴尬或不愉快的开始之后,事情现在已经解决或变得更好了。这是一种表达方式,意思是”现在一切都好了”或”我们关系融洽”。在这种情况下,说话者试图化解局势,与苏珊和好,暗示双方关系恢复良好。
“Bob’s your uncle.”是一句很有名的英国俚语。据说英国历史上有位保守党首相叫做Rober Cecil,Robert的昵称就是Bob。在Rober任职期间,多次安排自己的外甥任政府要职。他下台后,接任他的新首相也是他的这个外甥。那个时候英国的政治有很多裙带关系(nepotism) ,大家对此很不满。对应我们中文的语境可参考“我爸是李刚,这都不是事!”。此后,“Bob is your uncle”就用来形容“易如反掌;很轻易就能做到的事情”啦。
E.G.2:I’m just confused as to why you seem so determined to get off on the wrong foot. (DH S04E02 23:00)
E.G.3:Oh, look at that. Looks like bongo’s finally warming up to Susan. — Ooh, we just got off on the wrong foot. We’re best buddies now. (DH S01E02 38:40)
参考翻译:哦,瞧,那看起来好像邦戈终于开始喜欢苏珊了。 — 哦,我们开局不顺,现在已经是最好的朋友了。