看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Hit and run
Hit and run: 1. A hit-and-run military attack needs to happen unexpectedly and quickly in order to be successful (突然袭击的,打了就撤的). 2. A hit-and-run road accident is one in which the driver who caused the accident drives away without helping the other people involved and without telling the police (肇事逃逸的). As in He was killed in a hit and run.

中文释义:Hit and run 指打了就跑(战术),通常还指发生交通事故后逃离现场,即肇事逃逸。可做名词,也可作形容词。在一些英文歌中一般是指,一段恋情中,在没完全建立稳定感情的时候,一方突然退出恋爱关系,一般这样做的目的是怕在建立感情后再分开的撕心裂肺,但有时也有玩弄对方的用意,比如说我前男友就是个hit and run。跟它相似的短语还有:hit and run driver 肇事后逃走的司机;hit and run play n. [棒球]打了就跑的战术;hit and run accident 事故后驾车逃逸;hit a home run 打出全垒打;做出极为成功的事。
例句:He was killed in a hit-and-run.(他在一起肇事逃逸事故中身亡。)The hit-and-run victim was lucky to be alive.(这名肇事逃逸事故的受害人幸运地活了下来。)