
Legal & law English-法律英语

Lynette:Bob, we’re so sorry. We meant to tell you. We really did.Bob 我们很抱歉 我们是想告诉你的 真的

Bob:So where the hell is porter? 那Porter 究竟去哪了?

Tom:We don’t know. 我们不知道

Lynette:That’s why we’ve been trying to get you to postpone the hearing date  until we could find him. 所以我们才一再希望你延期听证会 我们好有时间找到他

Bob:Oh, we have a much bigger problem than the hearing date. 我们现在的问题远比听证会大

Lynette:What do you mean? 你在说什么?

Bob:Well, now that I’m aware of this, I have a legalbligation to report it. 我既然知道了这事 就有义务举报

Tom:What? No, no, no, you can’t 什么?不不不 你不能–

Bob:Hey…Now my hands are tied.  我没有办法

Lynette:But if the judge finds out that porter’s gone, we have to forfeit the bail. 如果法官发现Porter不见了 我们就得付保释费

Tom:And since my genius wife used our restaurant to post bond, 而我这位天才老婆 已经把我们的餐馆都预支了

——>> our only source of income will vanish. 我们唯一的收入来源都没了

Bob:I feel for you guys. I really do. 我为你们感到抱歉 真的

Bob:But I’m not getting disbarred over this. – Bob… 但我会因此被吊销执照 – Bob…

Tom:Please. We’re desperate. 拜托 我们已无路可走

Bob:I’m not meeting with the D.A. For another two days. 两天内 我不会去见检察官

Bob:If you find porter by then, I won’t say anything. 如果到时你找到了Porter 我什么也不说

Lynette:Thank you so much.We are so sorry that we… 太感谢了 我们太抱歉了 

Bob:just find him. 找到他


Bail is a type of cash payment only that is paid by the defendant to the court and it gets returned at the end of trial assuming all requirements have been fulfilled by the defendant.

A bond is a pledge [pledʒ] to make good on bail and in these situations, a third party agrees to be responsible for the money and the obligation of making sure the defendant appears in court. Any money paid for the services is not returned. ()

defendant [dɪ’fendənt] : 被告  plaintiff [‘pleɪntɪf]

保释保证书 由刑事被告人及其保证人向法庭提交的保证书,保证被告人在以后的诉讼中能够随传随到,从而将被告人释放。如果被告人获释后违反这一规定不能到庭,被告人及其保证人将被法庭处以罚款或将已交纳的保释保证金没收。也称作出庭保证书。

Post (bail) bond:Pay money to a court so that a person accused of a crime can go free until their trail.  【交付(保证金)来源:牛津高阶学生词典】


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