看绝望的主妇学高频短语:On the same page
On the same page: Of two or more people, thinking in the same manner; Having the same general outlook or position. If two or more people are on the same page, they are in agreement about what they are trying to achieve. As in It makes life easier in our department when we know we’re all on the same page. The party has done so much to get members of its organisation on-message and on the same page.

中文释义:On the same page意思是你和別人或者別人和你動作, 思维是一致的。在外企中,常常会听到这样一个词:on the same page,新人乍听,会一脸懵逼,在同一页纸上,老板这是要干什么呢?其实,在工作环境中,on the same page 意思是“进度相同、意见一致”。例句:Please keep us updated so everyone will be on the same page.(请给大家发邮件告知进度,让每个人都知道进度情况。)
