
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E07-Part02


Ship someone off:To send someone or something to a certain location, often abruptly, hastily, or unceremoniously perhaps as punishment. (将某人遣送至某处)

这个短语在口语里多用于负面情绪,通常指强行遣送某人至一个令他不爽、不适且较为偏远的地方,用以威胁、警告某人,以宣泄某种情绪上的不满。ship sb to somewhere与send sb to somewhere,主要的区别在于:1、说ship时,带有负面情绪;2、说ship时,一般是指将某人遣送至较为偏远的地方。

Ship someone off

E.G.1:If you so much as smile at that boy, so help me, I will ship you off to Camp Hennessey. (DH S02E11)

E.G.2:You’re so jealous of Danielle, you tried to ship her off to New York? (DH S03E19)

End on a bad noteto end up something especially a relationship in a hasty, unthoughtful manner, often causes negative influence or damage. (以一个不好的结局告终)

Note (n.) a particular quality or tone that reflects or expresses a mood or attitude. In addition to bad notes, there can be low notes, high notes, ominous [‘ɒmɪnəs] notes, and notes of uncertainty.

Note在这里指:一种可以用来表示心情、态度的一种说话的特征或口吻。除了“bad note”之外,我们还可以用“low note”、“ominous note” 和“note of uncertainty”来分别形容“郁闷的”、“不祥的”、“不确定的”三种特征及口吻。示例如下:

E.G.1:Our vacation ended on a low note when our flight was delayed.

E.G.2:The video ends on an ominous note: America does not have a gun problem, it has several.

E.G.3:We always feel a note of uncertainty whether we will appear in this beautiful showreel again.

Black tie thing/eventMost commonly refers to black tie dinner/event:(晚会、晚宴)


A black-tie event is a formal social event such as a party at which people wear formal clothes called evening dress.

Feisty[‘faɪsti]Full of spirit or pluck; frisky or spunky. (精神抖擞的、充满倔劲的、朝气蓬勃的)

E.G.1:Well… because you’re so unique. Such an original,Feisty and so certain of what you believe. (DH S08E12)


E.G.2:In fact, I met two feisty men in wheelchairs yesterday at the mall. (DH S04E12)


GodsendA very helpful and valuable person, event, or article. (特别有用的人、物或事件)

Sink to such depthsDescend from a higher to a lower position; drop downwards. (沦落到、沉沦到)

扩展释义:To lower one’s ethical standards (or perceived standards) by behaving in a malignant, self-centered, or despicable manner. (将某人的道德品质降低到自私、卑劣和恶毒的水平)



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