看绝望的主妇学英语高频短语:Say the word
Say the word: Used to tell someone that you will do what they want at the time they ask you; To give an order, If someone says the word, they give their approval as a sign that something should start to happen.

中文释义:Say the word有吩咐一下、说一声或者发布命令的意思。常用在口语中表示随时准备提供帮助或做某事,只要说一声就行,有点讲义气的意味。比如:Just say the word, and I’ll come and help.(你只要说一声,我就会来帮忙)。还表示发布命令,相当于体育运动的发令枪,是一个启动信号。比如:When I say the word, follow me down.(我一下令,就跟随着我做。)
