看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Sit through sth
sit through sth: To go to (something) and stay until the end; To stay until the end of an event such as a meeting or performance that is very long or boring; To endure the entirety of something that one is watching or attending until it is finished. to remain seated and in attendance for all of something, even though it is boring or poorly done.
As in We had to sit through another boring meeting.

中文释义:sit through sth表示坐着挨到…结束,耐着性子看完某事,比如电影、讲座,会议。表示即使某事(会议,讲座,表演,电影)很长、很无聊、很糟糕,还是呆到最后,呆到某事结束。
例句:We had to sit through nearly two hours of speeches. (我们不得不耐着性子听完将近两个小时的讲话。)
