
Surveillance footage of men assaulting two women at a restaurant in China unleashed outrage on social media, prompting calls for punishment and renewing a debate on women’s rights. Nine people have been arrested by police after they allegedly attacked four women in a barbecue restaurant in North China’s Tangshan yesterday.

This wasn’t the first time they commited such crime, in 2012 one of those attacker raped and walked free coz of his wealthy background, while onother attacker beat a guy to pulp and locked him in his car trunk for ten hours and walked free. One of the attacker is real estate builder, most for them got deep pocket and lots of connection thats why they dare commit such crime.

By no means I would defend the mob, but the girls actually escalated the situation twice, first by shouting at the man, then the beer bottle really sets it off. People need to accurately assess the situation and protect themselves when under threat.

Men and women fear different things when it comes to the other sex, most men fear being mocked at or ridiculed by romantic prospect while most women fear rape and death. That’s how different we are deep down under the painted veil. If you’re a men, if you ever get into conflict with a woman no matter what might have happened. You must understand to women you’re armoured from head to toes with fine muscles and built with a physique of macho body, you need to be man enough to take the blow and raise your hand only to protect never toward her.

John lenonn said “We live in the world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight”. and it still rings true. Men and women are in this right together, we shall forge our sorrow and rage into swords and shields that guard our liberty, equality and human rights against violence and darkness. Only then, will the day come when all mothers and sisters and daughter everywhere shall have no fear of humiliation and rape and violent death wherever they go, night or day..


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