看绝望的主妇学英语地道表达:What a Small World
What a Small World: Used when a person knows someone you know by chance; The world is very large with a lot of people in it. When two people know the same person by chance, then the world doesn’t seem so big. In this case, the phrase “what a small world” is commonly used.

中文释义:What a Small World:世界真是太小了!通常用在口语中,不是真的要谈论世界的大小,而是引申为不期而遇,真是太巧了。用它来形容一个意外的巧合,尤其是当两个相识的人不期而遇的时候;或两个人之间有共同的朋友,相互之间因一件事或一个人而被联系起来。
例句:I didn’t know that you knew my uncle. What a small world.
