
1178–Good evening, Mr. Yunioshi.雄志先生  晚上好

1179–Good evening, Paul.保罗  晚上好

1180–Good evening.晚上好

1181–Good evening.晚上好

1182–Please, you must help me.请来帮忙


1184–Holly. Holly.霍莉  霍莉


1186—Holly. Holly. -Let me go. No!-霍莉  霍莉  -放开我  不要


1188—Holly. -Fred. Fred.-霍莉  -费特  费特


1190–No, no.不  不



1193—What did you do to her? -Nothing.-你对她做了什么  -什么也没做过

1194–There was a telegram, and then this.她看过电报后便这样

1195–Crashing everything, conducting like a crazy. It’s appalling.打破东西  像疯了一样

1196–I can’t have a public scandal. It’s too delicate.我不能惹上绯闻  这样很棘手

1197–My name, my position, my family.我的声誉  地位  家族

1198–Will there be the police again, do you think?警察会再来吗

1199–I don’t see why. There’s no law against busting up your own apartment.不会  在家里捣乱并不犯法

1200—Where is the telegram? -There it is.-电报在哪儿  -在那儿

1201–“Received notice. Young Fred killed”收到通知说  费特”

1202–“in jeep accident, Fort Riley, Kansas.”在堪萨斯州赖利堡的吉普车意外中死亡”

1203–“Your husband and children join in the sorrow of our mutual loss.”你的丈夫和孩子为此难过”

1204–“Letter following. Love, Doc.””信件稍后附上  爱你的医生”

1205–Her brother Fred.是她的弟弟费特

1206–This brother, was she very close to him?他们很亲密吗


1208–What can one do?有什么可做的

1209–Try to help her.尝试帮她

1210–I tried. It didn’t do much good.我尝试过了  但没有作用

1211–You got a ranch or something down in Brazil, don’t you?你在巴西有牧场吗


1213–That’s good. She’ll like that.那就好了  她喜欢这样

1214–Well, you better get in there.那么你进去吧

1215—Hi. -Hello.-你好  -你好

1216–Got your wire. How did you know where to reach me?我收到电报  你怎找到我

1217–Oh, I tried everything. Called people, asked around,我用尽方法  四处打听

1218–and suddenly thought of looking in the phone book.突然想起电话簿

1219–Anyway, I’m glad you could come.你能来  我很高兴

1220—You look fine. -You think so?-你很漂亮  -你认为是吗

1221–I’m fat as a pig, and I haven’t had my hair done in months.我胖得像猪  多月来没理发

1222–But I’m happy, really happy. It probably shows.但我很快乐  你也许看得出来

1223–You look très distingué yourself.你也很风度翩翩

1224–I got a job. I’ve been writing a little.我有工作  我最近在写作

1225–I know. I’ve read three of your stories.我看过你三篇小说

1226–Two in The New Yorker and one in that funny little magazine.两篇刊在纽约人杂志  一篇刊在有趣的杂志内

1227–Won’t you sit down?请坐吧

1228–Thank you.谢谢你

1229—I’ve taken up knitting. -So I see.-我在学编织毛衣  -原来如此

1230–It’ll probably look very nice once it’s finished.编织好后应该很美

1231–Actually, I’m a little nervous about it.其实我也有点紧张

1232–Jose brought up the blueprints for a new ranch house he’s building荷西把新牧场的蓝图带来

1233–and I have this strange feeling我猜他把那蓝图

1234–that maybe the blueprints and my knitting instructions got switched.和编织指南换掉了

1235–I mean, it isn’t impossible that I’m knitting a ranch house.我不可能编织一座牧场大屋

1236–Really, darling, I can’t tell you how divinely happy I am.真的  我的快乐真不可言喻

1237–What is that, anyhow?那是什么

1238–Portuguese. A very complicated language.葡萄牙语  很复杂的语言

1239–Four thousand irregular verbs.有四千个不规则动词

1240–Very impressive. What’s it mean?好棒  那是什么意思

1241–“I believe you are in league with the butcher.””我认为你与刽子手勾结”

1242–Holly, what’s this about?霍莉  什么事

1243–Why did you want to see me?你为什么找我

1244–Jose’s in Washington for the night,荷西在华盛顿

1245–so I thought if I asked you over, you might come.我想若我找你  你会来

1246–And, well, I’ve said goodbye to everyone else I care about.我要跟我关心的人道别

1247–You’re going somewhere?你到别处去吗

1248–I’m going to Rio tomorrow.我明天到里约热内卢

1249–I’ve got the plane ticket, and I’ve even said goodbye to old Sally.我已跟沙利道别

1250–Jose is flying down with you?荷西跟你同去吗

1251–We’re going on separate planes, of course.我们坐不同的飞机

1252–He doesn’t think it would look right for us to be traveling together.我们不该一同起行

1253–His family’s very important down there,他的家族很有名望

1254–so he has to worry about things like that.所以他很担心

1255–Anyway, I thought I’d show off and cook dinner for us.我会大显身手做一顿饭

1256–It’ll be fun eating in.在家吃饭很有趣

1257–Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am?我告诉过你我很快乐吗


1259–You are getting married, then?你会结婚吗

1260–Well, he hasn’t really asked me, not in so many words.他还没有求婚  只字不提

1261–Four, you mean?四个字

1262–Well, that’s how many words it takes.求婚只需说四个字

1263–“Will you marry me?””请嫁给我”

1264–Oh, we’ll get married, all right. I know we will.我们会结婚的  一定会

1265–And in church and with his family there and everything.在教堂里  他的家人全来观礼

1266–And that’s why he’s waiting till we get to Rio, probably.也许因此他等回到里约热内卢才说

1267–Do you think it’s trying to tell us something?你认为这有什么意思吗

1268–I hope you like chicken and saffron rice served with chocolate sauce.我希望你喜欢鸡煮藏红花饭配上朱古力酱

1269–It’s an East Indian classic, my dear.那是东印度食品  亲爱的

1270–Three months ago, I couldn’t scramble eggs.三个月前  我连炒蛋也不会

1271–Are you all right?你没事吧

1272–Golly, darling. I did so want to impress you.天  我本想讨你喜欢的


1274–I’m not much for chicken with sauce, anyway.我也不喜欢鸡配酱汁的

1275–Why don’t we go out somewhere? Let me buy you a farewell dinner.不如到外边吃  我替你饯行

1276–That would be fun, as long as it’s someplace I can go like this.若我能这样上街就好了

1277–Years from now,好多年后

1278–years and years, I’ll be back.我会回来

1279–Me and my nine Brazilian brats.带着我那九个巴西小鬼

1280–They’ll be dark like Jose, of course,他们会像荷西一样有黑皮肤

1281–but they’ll have bright, green, beautiful eyes.但眼睛会又绿又美

1282–I’ll bring them back, all right, ’cause they must see this.我会带他们回来看看这城市

1283–Oh, I love New York.我爱纽约

1284–Then why are you leaving? What’s in it for you, anyway?那么你为何要走  这对你有何好处

1285–Look, I know what you’re thinking, and I don’t blame you.我明白你的想法  但我不责怪你

1286–I’ve always thrown out such a jazzy line.我总是说这种花言巧语

1287–Really, except for Doc and yourself, Jose’s my first non-rat romance.除了医生和你  荷西是第一个不是小人的情人

1288–Not that he’s my idea of the absolute finito.他不是我理想中的依归

1289–He’s too prim and cautious to be my absolute ideal.他太正经谨慎了

1290–Now if I could choose from anybody alive, I wouldn’t pick Jose.若我可以选择的话  我不会挑荷西

1291–Nehru, maybe, or Albert Schweitzer.尼赫鲁  或者是施韦策

1292–Or Leonard Bernstein.或是伯恩斯坦

1293–But I am mad about Jose.但我很爱荷西

1294–I honestly think I’d give up smoking if he asked me.若他要求  我会戒烟

1295–Come on, darling, let’s eat. It’s getting late.来吧  去吃东西  天晚了

1296–I’m leaving tomorrow, and I haven’t even begun to pack.我明天起程  但我还没收拾行李

1297–Didn’t want Jose to think I was the kind of girl who loses her key,我不想荷西觉得我乱丢钥匙

1298–so I had 26 of them made.所以我配了26把钥匙

1299–No, wait. I got a better idea.慢着  我有个好主意

1300–Kind of a farewell gesture.是道别的礼物

1301–Somebody must have tripped the lock.有人把门锁松开了

1302–Crafty devil, that Yunioshi.是那狡猾的雄志

1303–Wake up, wake up! The British are coming!起床了  英国人来了

1304—Or, in this case, the Brazilians. -Exactly.-应该说是巴西人  -没错

1305—Exactly. -I’ve still got to clean up all that rice.-没错  -我还要清理厨房

1306–Hey, you know.你知道

1307–There she are who did it! The wanted woman! There!队长  她在那儿  她是被通缉的女人

1308–Groenburger. Narcotics squad.我是缉毒组的康伯格

1309—What do you mean? -What’s going on?-那是什么意思  -发生什么事了

1310—Why don’t you ask your boss? -What boss?-你何不问你的老板  -什么老板

1311–Sally Tomato. Why don’t you ask him? Come on.杜沙利  他们不简单  快

1312–Look around for narcotic. They got plenty narcotic in there.搜查毒品  他们有很多毒品

1313—What’s your name? -Varjak.-你叫什么名字  -韦保罗

1314–Hold it down over there!别吵

1315–Paul Varjak. V-A-R-J-A-K.韦保罗

1316–Oh, get lost, will you?滚蛋吧

1317–Get out!走开

1318–I’m a writer.我是作家


1320—Please. One, one, please. -One at a time. Please, one.-一个一个来  -每次一个


1322—Wait a minute. Wait a minute. -I can’t answer all your questions.-等等  -我不能同时回答所有问题

1323—Just one at a time. -Knock it off!-一个一个来  -安静点

1324–Now, darling, why don’t you start?亲爱的  你开始问吧

1325–Is it true you carried messages from Tomato in code?你以暗语方式替杜沙利传话吗

1326–Of course not.没有

1327–I’d just meet Mr. O’Shaughnessy at Hamburger Heaven我只把天气报告

1328–and give him the weather report.交给奥西力

1329–Simply do not ask me what this is all about.别问我那是什么  因为我不知道

1330–But you did used to visit Tomato?你曾探访杜沙利吗

1331–I used to see him every week. What’s wrong with that?每星期都去  那又如何

1332–Well, you must’ve known Tomato was part of the narcotics syndicate.他是贩毒集团的份子

1333–Mr. Tomato never mentioned narcotics to me.他没跟我提过毒品

1334–It makes me furious the way all these wretched people keep persecuting him.我对他受迫害感到愤怒

1335–He’s a deeply sensitive person.他很细心

1336—A darling old man. -Then you’re innocent.-是个慈祥的老人  -那么你是无辜的

1337—Of course I’m innocent. -What are you going to do about it?-当然了  -你打算怎样做

1338—What do you mean? -Well, who’s your lawyer?-什么意思  -谁是你的律师

1339–I don’t know.我不知道

1340–Mr. O’Shaughnessy, I guess.也许是奥西力先生

1341–Mr. O’Shaughnessy!奥西力先生

1342–Get out of here!走开

1343—All right, come on. -Okay, move.-来吧  -进去吧

1344—Come on, then. -Mr. O’Shaughnessy?-来吧  -奥西力先生

1345—Shut up! -Get in there.-闭嘴  -进去

1346—Yeah. -Mr. Paul Varjak?-谁  -韦保罗先生

1347—Yeah. -Ready with Mr. Berman in Hollywood.-是的  -请与好莱坞的白先生通话

1348–Kindly deposit $3 for the first 3 minutes, please.首三分钟通话请付3元



1351–O.J. Berman here. Who’s calling?我是白O.J.  谁找我

1352—Mr. Berman, this is Paul Varjak. -Nice to talk to you, kid.-白先生  我是韦保罗  -小伙子  你好

1353–Varjak. V-A-R-J-A-K.我是韦保罗

1354–I’m a friend of Holly’s. I met you at a party in New York.我是霍莉的朋友  曾在纽约的派对上见过面

1355—Who? -Paul. Paul Varjak.-谁  -韦保罗


1357–Mr. Berman, this is Fred.白先生  我是费特

1358–Oh, Fred baby, huh?是费特宝贝

1359–So you’re calling about the kid, huh?你为小家伙的事找我吗

1360–Everything’s under control. Just relax.你别担心  一切都已受控制

1361–I spoke to my lawyer in New York.我与纽约的律师说过

1362–I told him to take care of everything, send me the bill,他会负责一切  只管把帐单给我

1363–but to keep my name anonymous.但是要守密

1364—What? -Unknown. I don’t want any part of it.-什么  -我不想涉及此事中

1365—You hear me? -You sound like you’re in a tunnel.-你听到吗  -你听来像在隧道中

1366–It’s this executive phone I have.我用办公电话和你通话

1367—What? -Executive phone!-什么  -是办公电话

1368–Fred baby, they only got her on $10,000 bail.她只需一万元保释金

1369–My lawyer can get her out at 10:00 this morning. I tell you what you do.律师能在今早保释她  我教你怎么办

1370–You bust into that dump she lives in你到她的狗窝去

1371–collect all her junk.把杂物收拾

1372–Go down to the jail. Get her out.到监狱去接她

1373–Take her straight over to a hotel under a phony name, right?以假名入住酒店

1374–You wanna keep away from the reporters as much as possible.别让她接触记者

1375–Do you know what I mean? Will you do that?你知道吗  你做得到吗

1376–Sure, Mr. Berman.我能  白先生

1377—I can’t tell you how much I appreciate. -Forget it.-真的不知怎么感激你  -算了吧

1378–I owe her something.我欠她的

1379–Not that I owe her anything, I mean, if you really get right down to it,坦白点说  我并没有欠她什么

1380–but she’s a crazy.但她是疯子

1381–She’s a phony.她装腔作势

1382–But she’s a real phony.她真的装腔作势

1383—Know what I mean, kid? -Yeah, I know what you mean.-你明白吗  -我明白

1384—Thanks, Mr. Berman. Thanks a lot. -Right!-白先生  谢谢你  -好的

1385–Why don’t you behave?你怎么不乖乖的

1386–Quel night.好一个晚上

1387–I did a little housebreaking while you were away.我在你被扣留时进入你家

1388–Clayton Hotel, driver. 84th and Madison.请到克莱顿酒店  麦迪逊大街和八十四街

1389–O.J. Thinks it’d be a good idea if you stayed out of sight for a while.O.J.认为你该避开一段时间

1390–I got most of your stuff here, including cat. Hope he’s all right.我把东西拿来了  还有猫咪  我希望它没事吧


1392–Hello, cat.猫咪  你好

1393–Poor no-name slob.你这没名字的家伙

1394–Listen, darling. Did you find that plane ticket?听着  亲爱的  你找到飞机票了吗

1395—Right here. We can cash it in. -Cash it in? Are you kidding?-在这儿  我们可以换钱  -你开玩笑吧

1396–What time is it?几点了

1397—A little after 10:00. -Good.-刚过了十点  -很好

1398–Idlewild Airport, please, driver.请到飞机场

1399—Never mind. You can’t do that. -Why not?-不用了  你不能这样做  -为什么

1400–You don’t understand. You’re under indictment.你不知道吗  你被起诉了

1401–If they catch you jumping bail, they’ll lock you up and throw away the key.若你弃保  他们会把你关起来的

1402–Don’t be ridiculous, darling.别开玩笑  亲爱的

1403–By the day after tomorrow,后天

1404–I’ll be married to the future president of Brazil.我便下嫁未来巴西总统

1405–And that’ll give me diplomatic immunity or something.这可以给我政治豁免权

1406–I wouldn’t bet on it.这个说不准

1407–What is it, darling?那是什么  亲爱的

1408–Message for you.我有一个口讯给你

1409–Oh, yes, I see.是的  我明白了

1410–Did he bring it in person, or was it,他亲自把口讯送来

1411–just there, shoved under the door?还是放在门下

1412–A cousin.是表弟送来

1413–Hand me my purse, will you, darling?请把手袋给我  好吗  亲爱的

1414–A girl can’t read that sort of thing without her lipstick.女孩要涂了口红才可看口讯

1415–You read it to me, will you, darling?你念给我听吧  亲爱的

1416–I don’t think I can quite bear.我猜我受不了

1417–Sure you want me to?你真的想我念


1419–My dearest little girl.亲爱的小女孩

1420–I have loved you, knowing you were not as others.我曾爱过你  知道你不像别的女孩

1421–But conceive of my despair请想像当我在

1422–upon discovering in such a brutal and public style公开的情况下发现

1423–how very different you are from the manner of woman你并不是我这样地位的男人

1424–a man of my position could hope to make his wife.想要那种妻子时的绝望

1425–I grieve for the disgrace of your present circumstances.我为你目前的处境感到难过

1426–And I do not find it in my heart我实在不想

1427–to add my condemn把我的指责

1428–to the condemn that surrounds you.再加于你已面对的困恼之上

1429–So I hope you will find it in your heart not to condemn me.所以我希望你别责怪我

1430–I have my family to protect and my name我需要保护名誉和家族

1431–and I am a coward where these institutions enter.我是这制度下的懦夫

1432–“Forget me, beautiful child. And may God be with you.忘记我吧  美丽的孩子  愿主与你同在



1435–Well, at least he’s honest.至少他很诚实

1436—It’s kind of touching. -Touching?-很感人  -感人

1437–That square-ball jazz.他那混蛋

1438–He says he’s a coward.他说他是懦夫

1439–All right. So he’s not a regular rat or even a super-rat.那么他不是小人

1440–He’s just a scared little mouse, that’s all.他只是胆小如鼠而已

1441–But, oh, golly.天啊

1442–Gee, damn.天呀

1443–Well, so much for South America.南美梦碎了

1444–I didn’t really think you were cut out to be queen of the Pampas, anyway.你根本当不了南美皇后

1445—Clayton Hotel. -Idlewild.-去酒店吧  -去机场


1447–The plane leaves at 12:00. And on it I plan to be.飞机12点起飞  我不能错过

1448–Holly, you can’t.霍莉  你不能去

1449–I’m not hotfooting it after Jose, if that’s what you think. Oh, no.为什么不可以  你别以为我去找荷西

1450–As far as I’m concerned, he’s the future president of nowhere.我可看不上他是什么总统

1451–Only why should I waste a perfectly good plane ticket?为什么浪费机票

1452–Only why should I waste a perfectly good plane ticket? Besides, I’ve never been to Brazil.我只是浪费了一张机票  反正我没到过巴西

1453–Please, darling, don’t sit there looking at me like that.亲爱的  请别这样坐着看我

1454–I’m going and that’s all there is to it.我已决定到巴西去

1455–Now all they want from me他们只想我

1456–are my services as the state’s witness against Sally.指证杜沙利

1457–Nobody has any intention of prosecuting me.他们无意起诉我

1458–To begin with, they don’t have a ghost of a chance.从一开始  他们就没有胜诉机会

1459–Even so, this town’s finished for me.而且  我也不想留在这儿

1460–At least for a while.起码暂时不想

1461–There are certain shades of limelight that can wreck a girl’s complexion.聚光灯会破坏肤色

1462–They’ll have the rope up at every saloon in town.他们会把市内所有理发厅围起来

1463–I’ll tell you what you do for me, darling.你帮我办一件事  亲爱的

1464–When you get back to town,当你回到镇里

1465–I want you to call up the New York Times or whoever you call.你替我找纽约时报

1466–I want you to mail me a list of the 50 richest men in Brazil.替我把巴西五十名富翁的名单找来

1467–The 50 richest.是五十名富翁

1468—Holly, I’m not going to let you do this. -You’re not going to let me?-霍莉  我不让你这样做  -你不让我做

1469–Holly, I’m in love with you.霍莉  我爱你

1470—So what? -So what?-那又如何  -那又如何

1471–So plenty.我很爱你

1472—I love you. You belong to me. -No.-我爱你  你属于我  -不

1473—People don’t belong to people. -Of course they do.-没有谁属于谁这事  -当然有

1474–I’m not gonna let anyone put me in a cage.没有人能把我关在笼里

1475–I don’t want to put you in a cage. I want to love you.我不想把你关在笼里  我想爱你

1476—It’s the same thing. -No, it’s not.-都是一样的  -不是的

1477—Holly. -I’m not Holly.-霍莉  -我不是霍莉

1478–I’m not Lula Mae, either. I don’t know who I am.也不是雷美  我不知我是谁

1479–I’m like cat, here.我像猫咪

1480–We’re a couple of no-name slobs. We belong to nobody.我们都是没名字  我们不属于任何人

1481–And nobody belongs to us. We don’t even belong to each other.我们甚至不属于对方

1482–Stop the cab.停车

1483–What do you think?怎么了

1484–This ought to be the right kind of place for a tough guy like you.这儿很适合你这刚强的家伙

1485–Garbage cans, rats galore.垃圾桶  鼠窝


1487–I said take off! Beat it!我说快走吧

1488–Let’s go.走吧


1490–pull over here.请把车停在一旁

1491–You know what’s wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are?无名小姐  你知道你有何不妥

1492–You’re chicken. You’ve got no guts.你怕事  你没胆量

1493–You’re afraid to stick out your chin and say, “Okay, life’s a fact.”你害怕挺起胸膛说  “生活就是这样”

1494–People do fall in love.人们相爱

1495–People do belong to each other,互相属于对方

1496–because that’s the only chance anybody’s got for real happiness.因为这是获得真正快乐的唯一机会

1497–You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing.你自称为不羁野性

1498–And you’re terrified somebody’s going to stick you in a cage.怕别人把你关在笼子里

1499–Well, baby, you’re already in that cage. You built it yourself.但你已身处樊笼  是你亲手建起来的

1500–And it’s not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas,无论是否在德州图利  这不受地域

1501–or in the east by Somaliland.的限制

1502–It’s wherever you go.它随你而去

1503–Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.不管你往哪儿去  你总受困于自己

1504–Here. I’ve been carrying this thing around for months.拿着  这个我已带在身上好久了

1505–I don’t want it anymore.我不想要了

1506–Here, cat!猫咪  来


1508–Where’s the cat?猫咪在哪儿

1509–I don’t know.我不知道




When something is purposely crafted to appeal to the biggest number of people, it often comes at the price of losing its grit and edge.

I wonder whether the real book could have eve made it to the screen if the studio had pushed for it.


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