看绝望的主妇学英语俚语:Blue in the face
Blue in the face: Exhausted from anger, strain, or other great effort. For example, You can argue until you’re blue in the face, but I refuse to go. This expression alludes to the bluish skin color resulting from lack of oxygen, which presumably might result from talking until one was breathless.

中文释义:Blue in the face,精疲力竭,气得或累得说不出话来。这里的blue是指因为情绪激动、生气引起的脸色发青,有“脸红脖子粗”的意思。常见的用法是until you are blue in the face。它的字面意思是“直到脸变蓝色”,但实际要强调的是不厌其烦或苦口婆心的与人沟通,甚至是不惜纠缠到脸色都要发青的地步。 例如:You can explain it until you’re blue in the face, but he will never understand.(你可以一遍遍地跟他解释,不过这是白费口舌,他不会理解的。)

You look blue(你看起来很忧郁/很沮丧)
a blue joke(下流的笑话/荤段子)
a blue moon(千载难逢;不可能的事)