看绝望的主妇学英语俚语:Clear the air
Clear the air: Defuse or clarify an angry, tense, or confused situation by frank discussion; remove the causes of disagreement, fear, doubts, etc. by talking about them honestly and openly: Mary had been bad-tempered with me for days, so in an attempt to clear the air, I asked her what the matter was.(This expression comes from the idea that a thunderstorm makes the air less humid.)

中文释义:Clear清除,air空气,连起来to clear the air清除两人间不愉快的气氛,其实就是“消除隔阂”的意思。职场中常有争取表现、冲刺业绩、开发客户等机会,如果遇到竞争对手事后仍愤愤不平,可以用”Let’s clear the air”来劝慰对方,以表和解的意思。另外引申两个相近意思的短语:to bury the hatchet(言归于好);to pour oil on troubled waters(平息事态)。
