
Sworn enemy: 宿敌

Start from scratch:从头再来/重新开始

If the “pleasant human being” argument doesn’t fly, we’ll try self-preservation.

Fly: to gain acceptance or approval.

Silly feud:无关紧要的争执或不和

Model  [‘mɒdl] :模型、模式

Motto [‘mɒtəʊ] :座右铭、[zhēn]

A Chapter of one’s life

Take/threaten/persuade sb into doing sth

Construct: 构建、创建

Acting sth out:扮演

Role play:

Control word/ trigger word:

You’re not gonna regret taking this journey with me, this is gonna infuse our marriage with more passion than you can imagine.

Infuse sth with sth:为…注入(活力、激情、正能量)

Run through:过一道

Self-inflicted: 自我施加的、自己造成的



I just want to be with you above everything else.

Suit yourself

Pop sb out:

Brat /terror/ criminal

On a jag [dʒæɡ]: 有了某种(不良的)嗜好

It’s impossible to grasp just how powerful love is, it can sustain us through trying times, or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices, it can force decent man to commit the darkest deeds, or compel ordinary woman to search for hidden truth, and long after we’re gone, love remains, burned into our memories, we all search for love, but some of us, after we found it, we wish we didn’t.

欧文点评:After finishing more than half the journey of reliving DH season 01, it has become apparent that the most magnificent love is Mother’s love. As the author unveils the mysterious lives of those ordinary yet incredible American housewives, we get to see how protective and relentless a mother could be. From Carlos’s mother Juanita’s desperate act of fulfilling her promise of not letting her treacherous daughter-in-law out of her sight, to Lynette’s tireless efforts of shaping her kids into behaving, to Bree’s determination of conducting a mortal sin for the sake of Andrew’s freedom…Regardless of their social class, educational background and religious belief, these amazing woman are upholding half the weight of the melting pot, sometimes they can be quite stereotypical, sometimes they can be quite hysterical. Here we go, critical Lessons I have learned from this show——Never underestimate a women’s competence and willpower when it comes to child protection and family integrity.

  • Apart from Mother’s love, we also witnessed couple’s love, now we have experienced that Gaby coming back to her husband when he needed her the most, we astonished that Bree would go desperate length to ingratiate herself with her husband Rex, we  that Paul finally managed to pull himself together and found his inner peace… According to ancient Chinese wisdom that “couples are like birds, they flock together in the comfortable woods, but flee separately when they detected a fatal risk.” Some people might view it as a derogatory proverb, the way I see it, it can be interpreted as commendatory. Just like desperate Housewives, apart from murder, treachery, hatred, dark secrets, illicit affairs, we also spotted the bright side of human nature, the true love goes beyond materialism, the sacrifice was made for great course, the sin was committed for justification and the stubbornness was carried with deep love and care. Yes, underneath Mrs. Huber’s sister Felicia’s semblance [‘sembləns] of rigorous and indifferent, we discovered an affectionate and warm-hearted soul.As the camera switched to Felicia, who accused her sister Martha in front of Edie at her debut on Wister Lane, saying Martha was a wretched pig of a woman, we’d be fooled if we think she didn’t give a darn about Martha’s life and death, this woman is going to take everything at her disposal to say prayers to God in the name of her deceased sister. Afterwards, we see Mrs. McCluskey admiring the photo of her untimely died child, the light of tenderness and compassion in her eyes vividly demonstrated a mother’s profound love, which is so warm and pure that it won’t die out until she draws her last breath.And finally, we find Susan standing right behind the window with a letter holding in her hand, pondering. And according to previous scenarios, it not hard to figure out that the letter was written by Mike, in which Mike wants to set out an even more realistic and foreseeable journey with her. As she leant the fact that Martha Huber’s wrist strap was found in Mike’s Garage, she comes to the realization that there is a strong likelihood that Mike might be associated with Martha Huber’s death, therefore, the neighborly plumber Susan tried so desperately to land turns out to be murder suspect, which puts Susan’s love on the line, suddenly life took a sharp turn, from full of possibilities to an ominous and dark chapter.Life is full of uncertainties, now let’s with the best for Susan’s doom and gloom future.


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