Desperate Housewives S01E14 Part01
Be less than heavenly: fall short of what you’re expecting. (差强人意)
Suffer through:遭受(负面的、不好的事情)
Jamboree:大型聚会、Huge gathering
Front porch: 门廊
Price tag:价格标签
Why don’t we just put them back in me and cook them until they’re civilized.
1、A sudden occurrence of many things at once.
2、A small amount of snow, rain, etc, that fall for a short time and then stops.
E.G.1: I seem to have had sudden flurry of questions enter my head.
E.G.2: Despite the flurry of press speculation at the time of my visit to London, there has been absolutely no change in our position.
Deeply touched / Disturbed:
Go off the tangent / not on the right track
Forbidden/prevent/keep sb from doing sth…
Refer to oneself/ somebody as “Noun”
Standing order: (长期订单、持续订单、签约购、定期购)
Act like a diva:耍大牌
Getting groped by fat truck salesperson.
Make pass at somebody:对某人示爱或展开追求
Missed a spot:
Spare sb the lecture: 别跟我说教
Be up to one’s asses in bills:债台高筑
I’ll get right on it/ get to sth:
Meticulously: 一丝不苟地
Be loaded with sth:
- 装模作样的、自命不凡的、娇弱做作的
- 高调奢华的、显摆的 –- 中看不中用的、华而不实的。
Implode: 爆发
Outburst, freak out, flipped out, tick off, pissed off, on one’s last nerves, reaching the end of one’s patience.
Take one’s lumps:To accept bad things that happen to you without complaining.
We all have to take our lumps before we come into our own. 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。
Decent: of a good enough standard or quality, or quantity. (足够多的、相当好的)
Sworn enemy:宿敌
Cat get your tongue:没话可说了吗?
You made me look bad in front of Mrs. Mccluskey who you know is mommy’s sworn enemy.
Pick one’s poison: 选出受罚的方式
One’s hands are tied:
it also suggests that Lynette feels helpless and hopeless of dealing with her naughty and petulant children.
Just the way it works:
Let sb slide: 让某事过去、翻篇
Cut sb some slack:放过某人
She’s bluffing.
Lynette is threatening her kids into behaving by take advantage of psychological warfare.
I take it (that):我猜八九不离十
Resolve one’s feeling:释怀
Release one’s pressure: 压力释放
Imaginary box:
Force smile:
Perfunctory: 敷衍的、匆忙了事的
Whiz by:to pass quickly
It has sth to do with sth / it is connected to / be associated with
Moral compass: 道德指南
Dodge the question: 回避问题
W.A.S.P: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
美国白人新教徒 – – 揣着明白装糊涂
Not acknowledging the elephant in the room is what we do best. (非常突出的问题的,往往是让人避讳的问题)
Settle for sth:勉强接受、将就于……
Look on the bright side:
Guided tour:staff orientation
Sweet racket?
【Slang】A business or occupation:生意、职业
It is often/well said that… 主语从句开头
It is a generally accepted/ unreliable fact that…
Freedom / private property
Get up there in years:
An eye for an eye:
Run wild:撒野