
Lynette: Are we just gonna keep talking louder?

——>>Is that the plan?

——>>You wanna just keep raising your voice ’cause that’s how you get what you want, right?

——>>You make a scene, you throw a tantrum,  and everyone gets scared and backs off.

——>>Well, I don’t work that way, lady. I don’t care that my husband was so phenomenally stupid

——>>and/or drunk to actually have sex with you.

——>>I’m not gonna let it ruin my life. Am I talking loud enough for that to get through to you?

我们是不是一直要这么大声争吵? 这就是你的计划? 不断地拔高声音,这样就能得到你想要的 是不是? 这样就能得到你想要的 是不是? 你吸引目光 耍小孩脾气,大家就如你所愿?我不是那样的 女士,我不理会我丈夫是不是蠢到或者醉到和你上床。我不会让这破坏我的生活,这么高的音调,我想你应该明白了吧?

Narrator: This is the street where I used to live…

——>>and these were the people with whom I shared my life.

——>>I met them the day they moved in.

——>>And I saw what they brought with them…

——>>beautiful dreams for the future.

——>>And quiet hopes for a better life…

——>>not just for themselves, but for their children, too.

——>>If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead?

——>>Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store?

——>>No. From where I stand now,

——>>I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled.

——>>The trip is to keep moving forward, to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down

——>> and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon.

——>>Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road,

——>>shocking surprises we didn’t see coming,

——>>but that’s really the point…

——>>don’t you think?

这是我生活过的街道…我的生活同这些人分享,从我搬来认识她们起,我看到她们带来的… 对未来生活的美丽憧憬,对更好的生活的平静渴望……不光为了她们 还有她们的孩子,如果可以 我会不会告诉她们 前路上有什么? 我会不会警告她们将至的悲伤和背叛? 不会 站在我的位置,我所经历过的 已经足够让我明白:路应该怎么走。秘诀在于:一直向前——放下恐惧和遗憾,因为它会拖慢我们脚步,妨碍我们享受这转瞬即逝的旅程。是的,前方有无法预料的转折、令人措手不及的惊讶,生活的意义便在于此…你认为呢?


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