
Patricia:This is our top priority–这几个是重点


146–Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. 俄亥俄  佛罗里和宾夕法尼亚

147–We need all of them, or Walker’s a one-term president. 必须全部搞定  否则沃克无法连任

148–Pennsylvania is why he picked Matthews as a running mate. 他选马修斯为竞选伙伴就是为了宾州

149–But now we have to find a replacement. 但我们现在得找个替任

150–The special election is this November. 补选在11月

151–Patricia Whittaker, D.N.C. Chair. 帕特里夏·惠特克  民主党全国委员会主席

152–A rare example of someone whose head is in the game 极少数用大脑

153–instead of up their backside. 而不是屁股思考的人

154–Competence is such an exotic bird in these woods  能力在这群人中凤毛麟角

155–that I appreciate it whenever I see it. 每碰到有能力的人我都很欣赏

156–This also affects the House. 对国会也有影响

157–The new governor will oversee redistricting. 新州长将负责重划选区

158–We lose seats here, 在这儿丢了席位

159–that means we could lose our majority in Washington. 在华盛顿就可能失去主导

160–Well,the R.N.C. is backing Jack Swofford,ex-Mayor of Pittsburgh. 共和党支持杰克·斯沃夫  匹兹堡的前市长

161–He’s got statewide name recognition 他在全州有知名度

162–and campaign machinery in place. 竞选也准备充分

163–It’s been three months, and we don’t have dick. 三个月过去了  我们却还没有人选

164–What about the A.G.? Ben Pluckett? 那个司法部长怎么样  本·普拉克特

165–No. Ben’s got his eyes set on the senate in ’14. 不行  本14年要竞选参议员

166–Which he’ll lose because 他不会成功的

167–he botched a sex offender sting last year. 他去年搞砸了一起性侵钓鱼执法的案子

168— There’s always McHolland. – He’s 78. 麦克霍兰德总可以吧  -他78了

169–When’s the last time he held office, when Carter was president? 上次他在职的时候  卡特还是总统吧

170–Reagan, but same difference. 里根  不过差不多

171–He has dignity, he has gravitas. 他受人尊敬  举止庄重

172–If you need someone to fill Matthews’ shoes–如果要找人替马修斯的话

173–You can’t fill Jim Matthews’ shoes, so we shouldn’t even try. 我们根本就不该找人去代替马修斯

174–We need a fresh face. 得找张新面孔

175–The state has a weak bench.但这个州的候选人都不怎么样

176–Let’s go through all the sitting Congressmen one by one那就一个个过现任议员

177–and see if anybody sticks out from the crowd.看看有没有谁脱颖而出

178–All right. I got the list right here.名单在这里

179–Okay. Go ahead.很好  开始

180–Pennsylvania’s first district, Peter Russo.宾夕法尼亚第一选区  彼得·罗素

181–Cross him off. He’s no good. No experience, no chops.划掉  他不行  没经验  能力一般

Chop:the ability, skill, or experience needed to do something well.

182–Okay, moving on. Second district, Gwendolyn Pierce. 继续  第二选区  格温多林·皮尔斯

183–Nah, Gwen’s too controversial. Very vocal on abortion. 格温争议太大  在堕胎问题上太极端

184— And Caroline? – She’s good.-卡洛琳呢  -她不错

185— And the boys? – All fucking four of ’em? 小伙子们怎么样  -你问他们四个

186–You feed ’em. 你养四张嘴试试


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