关于绝望的主妇第一季Edie唱的一首歌:I’ve never been to me

未曾有自我(I’ve Never Been to Me)是一首充满女性自觉的抒情歌曲。歌曲的叙述方式十分特别:描述一个历经沧桑的女人,见到一个因不满自己目下的生活、准备去追寻“自由”的怨妇,忍不住真挚地提出忠告“我自己也曾经有过放荡形骸的生活,甚至为追寻所谓的自由走遍了世界;而且凭借年轻和美貌,曾得到过别的女人做梦都不敢想的快乐时光;但是到头来却是一场空,等到年纪大了,发现自己追求的不过是镜花水月,甚至从未有过真正的自我”。



“I’ve never been to me” was originally released in 1977; it was considered a flop, peaked at #97 on the US Billboard chart. She gave up singing when this song failed to be a hit. She moved to the UK, and found a mediocre job. Motown producer played the song to either his wife or gf (not sure who) but she thought the song should be played on the air because she thought it was a great song. Radio stations started playing her new version of the song and people started requesting it on the air. Motown tracked Charlene in the UK, she agreed to give it another try hoping it would chart. The rest is history. The song climbed to #3 on the US charts; and became a worldwide hit; hitting #1 in 5 countries! FYI: The dress she is wearing is her actual wedding dress from 1982!

This song is about finding truth and happiness within yourself and simple things rather than seeking it in things that glitter but only serve as a spectacle rather than soul-filling. Always loved this song and a wise lesson for people who take thing for granted to search for better things that are mostly not there or not as great as what you left behind. Tragic song though but still great!


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