
Dear All:

I’m pleased to announce that tonight from 8:00pm to 10pm, we’ll be conducting a tip-sharing session with regard to “How to speak perfect English accent” in this group.


Mr. Parker, an experienced professional teacher and voice coach, will be delivering a carefully structured lecture regarding how to improve English pronunciation and intonation. All of you guys are welcome to take part in the discussion via Tencent meeting.

Please refer to the detailed agenda as below:


If you’re not confident with your English pronunciation, I strongly recommend you to grab this opportunity and take part in the discussion.

Teacher Parker is an incredibly trustworthy friend of mine, I’m so glad that he promptly responded my request of the tip-sharing, he told me that he was more than happy to share his expertise with us, what a decent and generous man!

Now, if you’re interested in sharpening pronunciation skills, please type “1” and don’t forget to give teacher Parker a thumbs up.

BTW, the meeting code and link address will be provided in this group around 8 pm tonight.

Here’re some of the highlight moments that I extracted from Mr.Parker’s


Mr. Parker is a handsome young man, but he’s very dedicated to his course, especially when it comes to pronunciation and intonation, so no wonder he’s got an excellent voice, and he speaks with an authentic rhythm and flow. I really appreciated that he’s willing to share his expertise for our group, his tip-sharing session would definitely generate profits from somewhere else, but he didn’t ask me anything in return.

I believe that this group is full of educated minds, everybody has their own unique advantages and insights, so if you ever feel like to share something with us, please draft a plan and talk to me, I would be more than happy to oblige.

As far as I am concerned, you know sometimes, we have to be empty in order to full, and we have to get off our high horse, in order to consume something new yet nutritious and experience something different but meaningful.

So, here we are, without further ado, Let’s give a round of applause to welcome Mr. Parker.



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