看绝望的主妇学高频短语:What’s the deal
What’s the deal: What happened, is happening, or is going to happen? Why did something happen or is someone acting a certain way? Usually used to say what’s wrong. How’s it going. What’s going on. Occasionally it’s used for swimming.
As in You seem really upset—what’s the deal?

中文释义:what’s the deal一般用于说怎么了,怎样了,怎么回事、偶尔也用来打招呼。相相于what’s up?或者what’s going on? 也常表达为“What is the deal with these?“ ,
举个例子:如果你的朋友近一两天举止怪怪的,你抓住他问他:What is the deal with these?(what is up with you?) 意思是:你最近怎么怪怪的。
