看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Attached to sb/sth

Be/get/grow/become attached to:to like someone or something very much;if you’re attached to someone, you had feelings of concern and care for that person or thing, and not wanting the friendship or relationship to end. If you’re attached to sth, you don’t wanna lose possession or connection to that thing. (非常喜欢某人或某物,对某人或某物产生依恋)

看美剧学高频短语:Attached to sb or sth

以下是高频短语“Attached to sb/sth”在美剧《绝望的主妇》中的情景例句:

E.G.1:Nurse Hisel became quite attached to your mother-in-law. That’s why I asked her to be here for this. (DH S01E17 38:47)

E.G.2:You don’t think you’re gonna love your own baby? Well,I’m not saying I’m not gonna grow attached to the little bugger. — I just don’t have the motherhood gene. (DH S02E07 35:10)

E.G.3:His last day on this earth is going to be a perfect one. — Oh, no, thanks, Xiao-Mei. The poor thing. She was so attached to Lily. (DH S02E21 04:07)

E.G.4:Am I… weird for being so attached to a doll? I only bought her because I thought she was beautiful, and she reminded me of someone,but lately… i’m starting to feel like I need her. (DH S07E12 24:26)

E.G.5:I seem to have forgotten my key. — Oh, dear. – Sometimes I think I’d forget my head if it weren’t attached to my body. (DH S08E15 28:09)

E.G.1:Listen, if I learned anything when I lost everything, It’s that, “A,” there’s no wiggle room when it comes to cottage cheese expiration dates, And “B,” You can’t get attached to material things. (2B Girls  14:10)

E.G.2:What’s the point of making a replica of a piece you’ve already sold? — Dubois used to say, “Don’t get attached to your work.” (White Collar S04E15 25:52)


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