
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E16 – Part01


The tables were turned:A major change has happened, especially one that results in the opposite of an earlier situation. (局势骤转,事态翻转)

Tables were turned

E.G.1:That bitch got what she deserved. And if the tables were turned, she would have done something way worse to me. (UB S03E05)


E.G.2:I spent years as John’s supervisor, but with his recent promotion, the tables are turned and now I report to him!


Catch up with sb(与某人拉家常、联络感情;追平、赶上;重新会面、后续再见;追踪、抓住、逮住;牵绊、缠住)

1、talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing.

E.G.1:It was so lovely catching up with you, it’s been years since we were last together!


E.G.2:I want to catch up with all of you, but first I really must visit the loo. (TBBT S04E06)


2、To make up the difference between oneself and someone, so as to be at an equal level, status, or point of progress.

E.G.1:You know, I can barely catch up with you Now that you lost all that weight. (MF S04E03)


E.G.2:You have to believe love to receive love. Keep repeating your affirmations, eventually… your heart will catch up with your head. (SATC S05E02)


3、To find someone after a period of time trying to track that person down.

E.G.1:She hit about a dozen historical sites before the Hellenic police caught up with her. (White collar S04E08)


E.G.2:Then, after I left her office, she caught up with me at the elevator and offered me an even bigger part. (Friends S02E10)


4、To meet again at a later point in time.

E.G.1:Ross! Ross! Over here, man! I-I saved you seat. –That’s okay, I’m cool over here. I’ll catch up with you later, Joey. (Friends S04E11)

参考翻译:Ross! Ross! 这里, 嘿! 我帮你留了个座位,不用,我坐这边很好。Joey,我一会去找你。

E.G.2:Speaking of issues, isn’t that your ex-wife? — No,no. — Yes, it is. Carol, Hi! — Okay. Yes, it is. I’ll catch up with you in the Ice Age. (Friends S01E02)

参考翻译:说起问题嘛,那不是你的前妻吗? –不,不。–是的,没错。你好Carol. – 还真是,你会我上冰河世纪馆找你。

5、To cause unpleasant consequences or have dire implications, especially after a certain period of time.

E.G.1:We spent every day waiting for the past to catch up with us. And it did. Sooner or later, the past always catches up. (DH S07E22)


E.G.2:The tables were turned. And secrets from the past caught up with everyone. (DH S01E16)


Hook[hʊk] someone up sb/sth:(为某人接线搭桥、撮合与他人相识;帮某人张罗、达成某事)

1、to put somebody in contact with somebody who can help them;

E.G.1:Don’t you have any friends that you can hook me up with? — They’re too old for you. (SATC S01E01)

参考翻译:你有没有朋友可以介绍给我啊?  — 她们对你来说年龄太大了。

E.G.2:Well, maybe Sammy can hook you up with the guy, and you can ask him all about it. (UB S04E03)


2、to get something for somebody that they want.

E.G.3:Throw me a 20, and I’ll hook you up with free porn. (DH S01E16)


E.G.4:This room blows. Daddy was supposed to hook us up with a suite. (DH S03E03)

参考翻译:这个房间真简陋, 老爸应该给我们订个套房。

Narrator: Throughout even the most respectable of neighborhoods, 即便是整个社区风气最好的邻里

—–>> you can hear the sound of scandal. 你也能听到不光彩的声音

—–>> Some scandals announced themselves with a shout. 有些丑闻是大声嚷嚷出来的

—–>> Some with a whisper. 有些是悄声细语出来的

—–>> And some with a bang. 有些是随枪声而来的

—–>> And once in a great while, 然而 偶尔

—–>> there comes a scandal so deliciously sordid, 它们肮脏却又动听无比

—–>> its roar drowns out all other noise. 以至于盖过一切声响


段落解析:通过“throughout”介词短语作为背景与铺奠,再以排比句描述发生在社区邻里那里不光彩的林林总总。最后再通过“There comes”倒装句来强调即将引出的重大事件。

Drown[draʊn] out(Of sound) to be loud enough to block the sound of something else. (吞没、盖过)

E.G.1:And once in a great while, there comes a scandal so deliciously sordid, its roar drowns out all other noise. (DH S01E16)


E.G.2:We’re not gonna turn it off Because we need it to drown out all the stuff we hear coming from your house. (DH S04E05)



1、the act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone.

E.G.1:I had no idea admitting to the bribe would lead to this nonsense. Solicitation of murder is nonsense? (Suits S03E07)


E.G.2:Accordingly, on the count of wrongful solicitation, I find Richard Hendricks did indeed breach his contract with Hooli. (Silicon Valley S02E10)


2、the act of accosting someone and offering one’s or someone else’s services as a prostitute.

E.G.1:Maisy Gibbons, you’re under arrest for solicitation. — What? — Please place your hands on the bed. (DH S01E16)

参考翻译: 梅茜·吉本斯 你因卖淫被捕了。–什么? — 请把双手放在床上。

E.G.2:Solicitation? You were arrested for solicitation? — It was entrapment. I’m the victim here. (DH S02E10)

参考翻译:我在警察局,我需要你保释我出去, 嫖娼? 你因为嫖娼被抓了?– 这是陷阱,我是受害者,但你跟一个妓女在一起。

Entrapment [ɪn’træpmənt]:the act of causing someone to do something they would not usually do by tricking them. (诱陷、圈套)

Memoir[‘memwɑː(r)]:an official note or report. (正式笔录、调查报告)

Scandalous[‘skændələs]:giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation. (不体面的;可耻的)

Shot heard round the world:the opening shot of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which began the American Revolutionary War and led to the creation of the United States of America. (美国革命第一声枪响)


美国独立战争:美国近代史上十二大重要近程的第二章American Revelation《美国革命》。在美国尚未独立开国之前,革命区的十三个殖民地属于大英帝国管辖。1775年四月在莱克星顿(Lexington)与康考德(Concord)的枪声打响后,北美开始反抗英国殖民统治。


Precaution[prɪ’kɔːʃn]:a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening. (预防、预警)

E.G.1:The doctors say she’s gonna be fine. They’re only keeping her in the hospital as a precaution. (DH S07E02)


E.G.2:I hid the originals in a safe place. — It seemed like a reasonable precaution, since you murdered Martha and all. (DH S01E21)

参考翻译:我把原件藏在一个安全的地方。– 鉴于你杀了玛莎和其它种种行为,,这种预防措施必不可少。



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