

待Eide唱完一首歌“I’ve never been to me”之后,Karol开始鼓动Susan登台演唱,但被Susan推诿,这里Mike表示自己也很想听Susan唱歌,Karol立马揶揄道:“水管工,你还是放弃吧,她不会改变主意的。”


此时Edie发话了,她说道:“我非常兴奋激动/紧张不安能够听你唱歌”,接起来她又说道:“不过,不用猜就知道……”,Susan对此表示好奇:你这话什么意思?Edie解释道:“你得穿着这身衣服(衣着寒碜)站在大厅广众之下(言外之言:不出我所料的话,你会出尽洋相。),我真希望他们不会猛地朝你“吐口水” (或者把你轰下台。)”


这时Karol说道:“看来那个Mike性情还蛮温和的。”Susan回应说:没错,他是个很棒的男人。Karol接下来说道:“不过,Mike这个人有点像Buster Brown,你就不担心跟这种人相处下去,哪天感到厌烦?”,Susan接话道:“谢谢你的关注,我很好。”

Karol接着说道:“好好想想吧,尽管你我的婚姻有时很疯狂,但从不会显得无趣。”Susan揶揄道:“是啊,你跟你秘书好上那会确实很精彩。” Karol叹口气说:“不要老翻旧账好不好?我承认那是我的错,不过,除开这次,我们结婚13年了,我对你可是一向忠诚,难道你一点都不当回事吗?


When Edie finished singing the song “I’ve never been to me”, Karol started to instigate Susan to get on the stage, but Susan rejected his request. At that moment, Mike revealed his interest of appreciating her voice, but Karol jeered his attempt without a second thought.

After Susan told Mike the name the of song, Edie made her remark saying that “she feels excited to hear Susan singing.” (I was thinking here “excite” is a “pun”) Then Eide warned Susan that She also thought that Susan is going to make an exhibition of herself, she despised Susan that she might at risk of being turned on as she didn’t dress up while singing in front of the public.

Although Susan didn’t plan to be on the stage, she dressed a little shabby and didn’t wear makeups, still she agreed to sing a song as a gesture to show her loyalty to Mike, meanwhile, she kissed Mike in front of Karol to embarrass him and purposely revealing her contempt against his arrogance and self-righteous.

But Edie clearly underestimated Susan’s determination, she was a lot stronger than she looks, Susan immediately replied that I would still gave it a try, at mean time, she added that “Since you have got the nerves of singing off-key in front of the audience, why shouldn’t I take my chances?” Edie clearly took a beating, then she found herself an excuse to walk away.

Karol started to make amends with Susan, on one hand, he told Susan that Mike looked like a well-tempered guy, but on the other hand, he also warned Susan that Mike could be a “Buster Brown” in disguise, which suggests that deep down Mike might be a hypocrite, he also reminded Susan that there’s a strong likelihood that she will get bored. Of course, Susan didn’t buy it.

Karol also added that although his marriage with Susan didn’t work out, but their married life was full of excitement, while Susan teased him that he is the one who cross the line and stepped out on her. Carol then played the affection card, trying to win back Susan’s love by stressing out his 13 years commitment beforehand. And the funny thing is, Eide Britt exposed him later on.


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