

1、Not…Until …

E.G.1:It’s not going to change until you resolve your issues with that man. (DH S01E03)

E.G.2:I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on. (DH S01E17)

E.G.3:You know, it seems you won’t be happy until you drive me out of this marriage to prove yourself right! (DH S01E20)

经典例句:看来你是不到黄河心不死啊/不撞南墙不回头!It seems you’re not gonna give in until you hit the dead-end.

2、Not…as song as… 

E.G.1:It doesn’t matter if she has feelings for me as long as I’m not interested. (DH S01E20)

E.G.2:You’re not going anywhere, not as long as you have my baby in your belly. (DH S02E24)

E.G.3: You don’t have to worry as long as we remember to look both ways before we cross the street. (DH S08E17)

经典例句:只要我还有一口气在,就不会让你得逞。You’re not gonna make it, not as long as I live.

3、Not…just because…包括:Just becuase…doesn’t….

E.G.1:I am not getting my teeth kicked in just because your mother didn’t breast-feed you. (DH S08E08)

E.G.2:I’m not gonna stop my life just because she decides to shows up unannounced on my add. (DH S01E05)

E.G.3:Now, we can’t have the students suffer just because you don’t understand the concept of time management. (DH S01E06)

E.G.1: Andrew, just because I chose not to share my marital problems with you doesn’t give you the right to be rude. (Bree said to Andrew in DHS01E04)

E.G.2:Sweetheart, just because you give a boy sex doesn’t mean you’ll get love in return. (Bree said to Daniel in DHS01E15)

E.G.3:Just because you didn’t hear them fighting, doesn’t mean they were happy. (Bree said to Daniel in DHS01E15)

经典例句1:不要以为我好说话,就认为我没脾气!Don’t assume that I have no disposition just because I’m open to persuasion!

经典例句2:不要以为有谁给你撑腰,你就无法无天了!Just because you’ve got someone hold your back, doesn’t mean you’ve got the free rein/ can do whatever you want!


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