看美剧学高频短语:Hit/knock sth out of the park

Hit/knock sth out of the park:To do or perform something extraordinarily well; to produce or earn an exceptional achievement. We can use “knock/hit it out of the park” as a motivating statement to someone else or describe your best performance. (出色地、令人惊艳地完成某事)

看美剧学英语高频短语:Knock/hit it out of the park

以下是英语高频短语“Hit/knock sth out of the park”在美剧语料库中的情景例句:

E.G.1:I read the new vodka proposal. Oh, you guys hit it out of the park I love that color. (DH S02E05 02:57)

E.G.2:Lynette,you really hit this one out of the park. I gotta give credit where credit is due. (DH S06E08 10:33)

E.G.3:Don’t tell anyone I laid it off on you, and don’t screw it up. Got it. You can’t handle it. I’ll knock it out of the park. (Suits S01E01 31:49)

E.G.4:I hear we won. — We hit a single. Just kidding. We knocked the son of a bitch out of the park. (Suits S03E10 36:24)


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