Put someone out of one’s misery:to stop someone worrying, usually by giving that person information that they have been waiting for: If you put someone out of their misery, you tell them something that they are very anxious to know.(让某人解脱或摆脱痛苦)

看美剧学高频短语:Put one out of one's misery

中文释义:在电影或美剧中,一个角色可能会对某个决定或结果感到担心,另一个角色可能会告诉他们真相,以帮助他们停止担心或猜测。在日常生活中,这个短语也可以用于类似的情况,例如,一个人可能会告诉他们的朋友某个他们一直在等待的消息,以帮助他们停止担心或猜测。短语“put one out of one’s misery”通常意味着通过提供快速无痛的死亡方式来结束某人的痛苦。它可以在字面上使用,例如在安乐死一只生病或受伤的动物的情况下,也可以在比喻上使用,例如在结束困难或不愉快的情况下。

以下是高频短语“Put one out of one’s misery”在美剧语料库中的情景例句:

E.G.1:She doesn’t know that I know. I won’t say a word. — Did you tell him? I would prefer to say I put him out of his misery. (DA S03E03 46:11)
参考翻译:她不知道我知道。我不会说一句话。– 你告诉他了吗?我更愿意说我让他解脱了。

E.G.2:If the President of the United States gives orders like that, you put him out of his misery. (HOC S05E07 24:01)

E.G.3:l haven’t slept for days. Brady’s been crying non-stop. – – Poor thing. Can l do anything? — Put me out of my misery. (SATC S05E06 03:40)
参考翻译:我已经好几天没睡觉了。Brady一直在哭,可怜的孩子。我能帮忙吗?– 让我摆脱这种痛苦吧。

E.G.4:Uh, Bing, I think we’re gonna make this the last game. — Yes, sir. Put me out of my misery. (Friends S05E12 07:43)
参考翻译:哎,Bing,我觉得这是最后一局了。– 是的,先生。让我结束这种痛苦吧。


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