

1、有一套自己的方法论:A proven to be effective methodology

2、基于兴趣点:Based on interest



It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.






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我跟她说:“My turf, my rules, I’m not gonna ingratiate myself to a bunch of bored, self-centered, dilettante[ˌdɪlə’tænti], with time and money on their hands but no grace. ”。



The essence of a book will become evident once you read the book a hundred times over. (书读百遍,其义自现)

Why desperate housewives:


Here are some of the key elements that I believe would infuse more or less excitement along the way of our learning journey:

Firstly, DH features a considerable amount of idiomatic expressions which facilitates us to communicate with native speakers in a more confident and natural way, and by proper exploiting these idioms will definitely add colors to effective communication.

Secondly, DH contains sufficient daily conversations which can be easily integrated into real-life situations. From growing pain to living pleasure, friendship to love, romance to hatred, campus to church, neighborhood scenarios to business settings… you name it.

Thirdly, DH covers a wide-range of vocabularies and various sentence structures which enables us to build up words and phrases that suits our specific needs and liking.

To top it all off, the literary narrative style of this drama is what I can make the most of it, as the narrator demonstrates the meaning of life, the setting of the scene, the inner voice of the characters in a coherent and correspondent manner, those refined words and illustrative pictures enlightens me to form sophisticated sentences in a relatively profound way, apart from that, It also inspired me to explorer deep-rooted cultural differences and values.

I’m one hundred percent positive that Desperate Housewives is the most incredible TV-show for Intermediate English learners. I’ve been watching English TV-shows for 15 years, and to be honest, DH is the only one that I devoted myself in it for more than 3 times for the first season.

Narrator: My name is Mary Alice Young. 我叫玛丽·艾莉丝·杨

——>> When you read this morning’s paper, 如果你看了今天的早报

——>> you may come across an article 可能会读到一篇报道

Come across(偶遇、碰巧发现、邂逅;给人以某种印象) 

1、To find or meet someone/something by chance.

E.G.1:Why would she use a code in her own journal? –Oh, because she’s afraid her mom might come across it?

参考翻译:那她为什么要在自己的日记里使用某种暗号呢? –哦,因为她怕她的母亲碰巧发现了?(摘自美剧『绝望的主妇』S06E04)

E.G.2:I’ve been your pastor for years, and you’re the most proper and appropriate woman I’ve ever come across.



2、To behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic.

E.G.3:Congressman, I have to ask you a question, and it may come across as indelicate.

参考翻译:议员先生 我得问你一个问题,可能会显得有点唐突。(摘自美剧『纸牌屋』S01E10)

E.G.4:But this way you’ll come across as merciful and not vindictive. Do you see?


——>> about the unusual day I had last week. 有关我上周异常的一天

——>> Normally, there’s never anything newsworthy about my life, 通常 关于我的生活没有任何新闻价值可言

Newsworthy:The quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins.


——>> but that all changed last Thursday. 然而 直到上周四 一切都改变了

——>> Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. 起初每件事情都显得很平常表语从句

——>> I made breakfast for my family. 我为家人准备早餐

——>> I performed my chores[t’ʃɔːz]. 做家务


1、Tasks such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that have to be done regularly.

2、Tasks that you must do but that you find unpleasant or boring.


1、家务琐事:Routine works, works need to be done on a daily basis。

2、细支末叶的工作:Trivial task。比如:To do list上面的一项项具体的任务,做起来你可能没有什么激情、也感觉不到多大的快乐,不做暂时不会对自己有什么负面伤害,但它做了总比虚度时间要好。比如健身、比如学英语这种短期看不到什么回报,但是值得坚持去做的事情。


E.G.1:And after these daily chores were completed, she would reward herself with a little drink. (DH S02E16)

E.G.2:There is a time of day all housewives look forward to. It occurs just after the chores hav­­­e been completed

and right before the children come home from school. (DH S03E11)

参考翻译:一天之中有一个黄金时段所有的主妇们都期待着—— 这个时段一般出现在家务完成后,或是孩子放学回家前。

——>> I completed my projects. 完成手工制作

——>> I ran my errands [‘erəndz]. 奔忙日常琐事

Errand[‘erənd]An errand is short trip that you make in order to do a job for someone. (差事、跑腿)

Errand boy:1、A boy who does errands. (跑腿的男孩);

2、(informal) A person who acts under instructions and not on his own initiative. (打杂、听差之人,可引申为傀儡)


Run an errand / errands for sb:She made her brother run some little errands for her.

Send sb (out) on an errand(s):His boss sends her on an errand into town.

He was sent out on urgent errand.

——>> In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, 事实上 这天太平常不过了

——>> quietly polishing the routine of my life 平静地打理着家里的一切


1、to rub something using a piece of cloth or brush to clean it and make it shine.

E.G.1:Hey, I was thinking this afternoon, maybe we could go look for that drawer. — Sorry, ma’am, I’m afraid I have all this silver to polish. (DH S03E09)
参考翻译:下午我还在想:我们是不是能去找一个抽屉了。– 抱歉,女士,恐怕我得把这些银器擦完。

E.G.2:So, as I polish our wedding silver, I think about you and the kids and our life. (DH S01E23)

2、to make changes to sth in order to improve it.

E.G.1:I think it is an art to be able to use polished language to answer someone insulting and humiliating you.


E.G.2:He needs to polish his thesis a bit more before submitting it and putting it on the Lancet.

——>> until it gleamed with perfection. 直至完美

Gleam[ɡliːm]To produce or reflect a small, bright light. (散发微光、呈现光亮)

——>> That’s why it was so astonishing [ə’stɒnɪʃɪŋ] when 这就是为什么

Astonishing[ə’stɒnɪʃɪŋ]causing a feeling of great surprise or wonder (令人大吃一惊的)

——>> I decided to go to my hallway[‘hɔːlweɪ] closet[‘klɒzɪt] 当我决定走向走廊的壁橱

Hallway[‘hɔːlweɪ] closet[‘klɒzɪt]a passage inside a house, into which other rooms along its sides. Usually, A hallway closet is cupboard at the entrance of the house, to hang up coats, for example. (过道壁橱)

Sometimes a hallway can also refer to an interior passage that leads to bedrooms and bathrooms.

——>> and retrieve a revolver [rɪ’vɒlvə(r)]  取出从没用过的左轮手枪时

Retrieve[rɪ’triːv]to get or bring (something) back from somewhere or find, extract information stored in a computer. (拿回、带回;找到、取出)

E.G.1:I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had never been used. (DH S01E01)


E.G.2:We’ve given him something to help pass the earring. When he does, would you like us to retrieve it for you? (DH S01E02)


——>> that had never been used. 会如此令人震惊了

——>> My body was discovered by my neighbor, 第一个发现我尸体的是

——>> Mrs. Martha Huber, 我的邻居玛莎·胡博太太 (同位语

——>> who’d been startled by a strange popping sound. 她被这突如其来的声音吓了一跳

Startle[‘stɑːtl]Feeling or showing sudden shock or alarm. (猛地吃了一惊或感到警觉)

——>> Her curiosity aroused; Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason 受好奇心的驱使 她想到一个

——>> for dropping in on me unannounced. 不请自来的理由

Drop in on somebody:If you drop in on someone, you visit them informally, usually without having arranged it. (顺便走访)

——>> After some initial[ɪ’nɪʃl] hesitation[ˌhezɪ’teɪʃn] , 片刻犹豫之后

Initial[ɪ’nɪʃl]Of or at the beginning, existing or occurring at the beginning. (刚开始的、最初的)

——>> she decided to return the blender[‘blendə(r)]  她决定把半年前

Blender[‘blendə(r)]An electric mixing machine used in food preparation for liquidizing, chopping, or pureeing. (搅拌机)

——>>she had borrowed from me six months before. 借去的搅拌机还给我

Martha: It’s my neighbor. I think she’s been shot. 我的邻居 她被枪击了

——>> There’s blood everywhere. 地上全是血

——>> Yes, you’ve got to send an ambulance[‘æmbjʊləns]是的 快派救护车过来

——>> You’ve got to send one right now. 赶快

Narrator: And, for a moment, 然后 有那么一会

——>> Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, 胡博太太静静地站在厨房里

——>> grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. 陷入了深深的悲伤

Grief-stricken[ɡriːf,’strɪkən]Extremely sad or overwhelmed by deep or intense sorrow. (悲伤欲绝、深切哀痛)

Senseless[‘sensləs]unconscious, lacking common sense (失去感知的)

Senseless[‘sensləs]unconscious, lacking common sense (失去感知的)

——>> But only for a moment. 但仅过了一小会

——>> If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, 如果说胡博太太有什么优点

Be known for:To be known for one’s particular product or characteristic. (因……而著名)

——>> it was her ability to look on the bright side. 那就是凡事她都往积极的一面去想

Look on the bright sideBe optimistic or cheerful in spite of difficulties. (乐观积极看待、朝好的方面想)

E.G.1:If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side. (DH S01E01)

E.G.2:Oh, look on the bright side. Tom’s having the time of his life. (DH S01E09)

——>> I was laid to rest on a Monday. 我的葬礼在星期一

——>> After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane 葬礼结束后 紫藤郡的邻居们

——>> came to pay their respects. 都去我家表达他们的哀思

Pay one’s respectTo visit with someone in a polite way as a sign of respect. (向某人表示敬意)



——>> And, as people do in these situations, 他们按照惯例

——>> they brought food. 带来了食物

——>> Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. 勒奈特·斯加沃带了炸鸡

——>> Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. 勒奈特家有很棒的炸鸡秘方


1、a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.

E.G.1:I’m making home-made bratwurst [‘brætwɜːrst] with sweet and sour cabbage. It’s a recipe I found in an old German cookbook. (DH S01E19)


E.G.2:I have been here for hours trying to replicate her recipe, and nothing has even come close! (DH S04E02)


2、a medical prescription.

E.G.1:You insist we medicate him without psychotherapy, that is a recipe for disaster. (DH S01E09)


E.G.2:After compounding the various versions of the recipes, the Pharmaceutical giant Pizer tested them against a variety of common bacteria.

3、a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result.

E.G.1:Luckily for Tom, Lynette had a recipe for success. Unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient. (DH S01E07)

E.G.2:Now the key to success is following the recipe exactly. The secret to baking is precision. (DH S06E15)



——>> Of course, she didn’t cook much 当然 当她还在职场打拼的时候

——>> while she was moving up the corporate ladder. 她很少做饭

Corporate Ladder[‘lædə(r)]A series of increasingly important jobs that someone can do within a company. (公司范围内职业晋升的阶梯,”Climb up the corporate ladder“是职位提升的比喻)

E.G.1:If women want to climb the corporate ladder, they may have to sacrifice some of their family life.

E.G.2:Going to business school is no longer considered an essential way to further up the corporate ladder.

——>> She didn’t have the time. 因为没时间

——>> But when her doctor announced[ə’naʊnst] Lynette was pregnant, 但当被告知怀孕后

——>> her husband Tom had an idea. 她的老公汤姆有了主意

——>>” Why not quit your job?” “你不如辞职吧”

——>> “Kids do better with stay-at-home moms.” “全职妈妈有利于孩子的成长”

——>> “It would be so much less stressful.” “这样压力也会小很多”

——>> But this was not the case. 现实却不尽如人意

——>> In fact, Lynette’s life had become so hectic 勒奈特的日子变得更加忙碌

Hectic[‘hektɪk]Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste. A hectic situation is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity. (紧张忙碌的、忙乱的)

E.G.1:I was going to call and cancel after our talk, but things just got so hectic. I forgot. (DH S02E08)


E.G.2:It’s just been so hectic at work. I haven’t had a second to call the process server. (DH S08E19)



——>> she was now forced to get her chicken 以至于她不得不去快餐店

——>> from the fast-food restaurant. 点了份外卖炸鸡

——>> Lynette would’ve appreciated the irony[‘aɪrəni]  如果勒奈特停下来回头想想

Appreciate[ə’priːʃieɪt]To be fully aware of, to realize that sth is true. (领会、意识到)

Irony[‘aɪrəni]The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. If you talk about the irony of a situation, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast. (反讽、冷嘲,通常指有讽刺意味的情形或令人啼笑皆非之处。注意它的形容词发声:Ironic[aɪ’rɒnɪk])

——>> if she’d stopped to think about it. 她会发现一切都背道而驰

——>> But she couldn’t. She didn’t have the time. 可惜 她根本没时间

Lynette: Stop it, stop it, stop it. 都给我停下来

Boy: But, mom. 但是 妈妈

Lynette:No. You are going to behave today. 别这样 你们今天得乖乖的

——>> I am not going to be humiliated[hjuː’mɪlieɪt]  我不想在整条街的邻居

——>> in front of the entire neighborhood. 面前丢脸

——>> And, just so you know how serious I am… 你们要知道 我不是说说而已

Boy A: What’s that? 那是什么

Lynette:Santa’s cell-phone number. 圣诞老人的手机号码

Boy B: How did you get that? 你怎么得到的

Lynette:I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf. 我朋友的朋友认识一个小精灵

——>> And if any of you acts up, 如果今天你们谁捣蛋

——>> so help me, I will call Santa 不信试试 我会打电话给圣诞老人

——>> and I will tell him you want socks for Christmas. 告诉他 圣诞节你们只想要袜子

——>> Are you willing to risk that? 想试试吗

——>> Ok. Let’s get this over with. 好 那就乖乖的吧

Coze up to someone:To be very friendly to someone with the hope of getting an advantage; to seek to become intimate or to ingratiate oneself with someone or some group. (巴结某人,奉承某人,迎合某人或某个团体)

Take:A take is a sort piece of action which is filmed in one continuous process for a cinema or television film. 【(一次拍摄的)场景、镜头】

扩展按钮 on the take:trying to profit in a personal and usually financial way from a situation: Someone who is on the take is receiving illegal income such as bribes.

E.G.1:You’re naïve if you think there aren’t cops on the take in this town.

E.G.2:Everyone knows that the majority of politicians are on the take. That’s the reason the biggest corporations have the greatest influence on the legislation.



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