看美剧学高频短语:Smack sb/sth down

 Smack someone down:1、Smack/slap someone down: To beat or thrash someone very thoroughly and conclusively, whether in a fight or in a contest;To rudely tell someone that their suggestions, questions, ideas etc are stupid. (责骂、奚落、严厉打击某人)  2、Smack sth down: To set something down (onto something else) with a smack; To dismiss, disprove, or refute something with great ease, efficacy, and authority. (否决、推翻某事)


以下是英语地道表达“Smack sb/sth down”在美剧语料库中的情景例句:

E.G.1:When will you stop playing hard to get? Maybe when you stop playing hard to want. You see how much you enjoy smacking me down? (DH S07E21 09:48)

E.G.2:I mean, just wait till he recovers, and then smack him down again? — How about not smacking him down at all? (Suits S04E06 40:24)

E.G.3:I defended you, and then you smack me down, after which I had to postpone a presentation that I was very passionate about. (Suits S05E02 13:42)

E.G.4:It just needed some fine-tuning. — Fine-tuning? You’re the one that said you only let him bring it up so that you can smack it down. (Suits S05E02 21:34)
参考翻译:我只是需要轻微调整。–轻微调整? 是你让他提出来只是为了推翻它。

E.G.5:I’m letting him bring up his proposal at the meeting, so I can smack it down. — Why would you do that? — Because I saw the look on Harvey’s face, he’s jealous of us, and I want the chance to back him publicly. (Suits S05E02 06:14)

Smack sth down(Tangible things:指代肉眼可见的物体时的语义): To set something down (onto something else) with a smack. (把某物打落、扇落、挥下)

She smacked the newspaper down on my desk, demanding an explanation for the article about our company’s involvement in the scandal.

He came up, smacked down a search warrant, and proceeded to turn my apartment upside down.


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