
在我的影视英语从业实践中,接触过一些口语表达能力很强,但是听力环节较为簿弱的会员。在与他们接触的过程中,发现这与他们的词汇量和企图心无关,他们也并不存在先天性的听觉障碍,主要是由于注意力很难持续和聚焦,或者是潜意识里面在暗示自己:说话方的内容不重要,听与不听无所谓。以下是油管上一名高人气教授对于listening deficit的分析讲解,希望能够为大家提升英语听力给来灵感。

Active Listening


Pseudo listening
Make eye contact
Lock on sb
Paid really good attention to sb
Every once in a while
Mental vacation
Sucked out of their body
On vacation
Lean over: take me with you
Drift away
Constant nagging problems

Selective listening
Tune out the rest.

“Tune out” means to stop paying attention or to become less interested in something. It can also mean to ignore or avoid something intentionally.
Tune in:

Critical listening: / criticize
Giant eraser
Picture yourself in the classroom and tell me what you can remember.

Amnesia [æm’niːziə] 健忘症;记忆缺失
Get bored by sth
Allow sth stupid/bad
Express strong opinion about religion, politics, sth
Related to the class
Loss the ability
Human nature
Eliminate /minimize
Settle on sth
Carry on / replay


1、 Awareness
pseudo listening
Bite the nails / break the circle
2、 Be physically and mentally prepared to listen.
it’s exhausting to try to concentrate and sit there for longer time. Face turning into pizza and hamburger.
The teaching’s taking a role. And one eyes has already closed.

3、 “Taking a role generally means a particular position or responsibility a given situation. It can refer to a job or employment position, a role in a or performance, or simply taking on a specific task or duty within a group or organization.

focus like a laser beam.
Mind float away
Look at all four walls
Push them out
Take over
4、 to set a goal
what’s the goal was supposed to be related to the topic specified the day.
laser beam: 像激光一样聚焦
end up aiming for sth (percentage)
listening workshop
best place to sit in a classroom /back in the room/front?
can’t afford the really good tickets.
get picked up
write everything in capital letters.
“Nosy” refers to someone who is excessively curious or inquisitive about other people’s affairs or private matters. It describes a person who meddles in the business of others without being invited or having a genuine reason to do so.

Dictation / intensive listening
it’s like playing an instrument or sports
treat sth as a real challenge
write extract word for word the way he says it.
stretch one’s brain like a rubber band.
A rubber band is a stretch loop of rubber latex that is used hold things together or to bind items. It is also commonly known as an elastic band or simply an elastic.
wear a red shirt.
the power went out due to a big storm last Monday morning.
He usually eats two soft tacos and a Burrito whenever he goes to taco bell.
asking a big favor / be totally silent. /blank out
out of courtesy
The four young children spent the whole afternoon playing on the swings and slides at a/the local park.
slide: A smooth, inclined surface or chute used for descending or sliding down. For example, a playground slide or a water slide.

After running four miles on the beach, the young woman walked another mile in order to cool down and then went home.

At a local park” refers to any local park in general, without specifying a particular park.
“At the local park” refers to a specific local park that is known or mentioned previously in the conversation. It indicates a specific park that both the speaker and the listener are aware of.
To sth on one’s end.
wait for the teacher finished
Your mind plays tricks on you

5、accuracy / illustration
5 sentence strategy.
marching up to me
Approaching sb
Walked up to me
Make a flash card
The more you can hold words enough in your head, the better you write them down accurately.

6、Pretend to be fascinated if you have to. / Attitude determines altitude.
fake it until you make it.
fake listening / pseudo listening
Messages your body sending to your brain.
Do sb any good
Rude to the teacher
Lean forward, get eye contract with the teacher /respectful
Facial expressions
Last semester
Teacher know when you’re putting them on.
Make subtle changes
Don’t pinch yourself so hard.
All set.

精听 5分钟 80%以上


@danielwhitney5498  9个月前

I took this professors class at LBCC 3 years ago before I transferred to CSUDH and I have to say they are one of the best professors ever and taught me how to change the way I approach learning and I still use the skills he taught me to this day.

@yjinnewyork  8个月前

This video is so helpful! I tried to fix those three problems and after some practice, I got much better toefl listening score. I wish I could have seen this video in my undergraduate years. Thank you so much for the wonderful lecture!

From my experience of learning English as a foreign learner, I highly recommend exposing yourself to the language through movies and any other audio-visual content, this helped me get used to the pattern of that language and gave me a huge advantage among other learners who were learning English in a straight forward and boring method.
@syedzaidi49  2年前

Wow! Excellent lecture. Great examples. I been struggling on listening skills since childhood. I believe effective listening make a big difference in your life. These days employer don’t train one properly and its a fast pace learning when get new job. You really have to relie on good listening skills to understand the important aspects of the job. It requires detail analysis. If you have poor listening skills then its really difficult to catch up on your duties. May create a bad impression from the start. As days pass by ;employer’s expectations increases… poor listening may cost your job…


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