今天早上,我打开了Instagram,关注了Brand Strong(布兰达·斯特兰)的IS账号,发现了这样的一篇推文:(Brenda推荐了国外网友的一篇文章)

Brenda Strong Instagram

毫无疑问,Brenda的这篇推文揭示了《绝望的主妇》这部剧在她的演绎生涯中所占据的位置。她在IS推文并不多,但几乎每年都会发一张图片缅怀曾经那段让她刻骨铭心的岁月。有意思的是:Bree的扮演者Marcia Cross对此有表示了关注。

Brenda Strong与绝望的主妇们


The first time I watched Desperate Housewives,a camp comedy-drama about a group of women who live on the most cursed street in America, I was 14 years old. My friend, already a convert, made me watch a season-four episode in which a tornado hits Wisteria Lane and neatly ties up some pesky narrative threads. I had no clue what was happening: Why was there a tornado in this show that I thought from the advertising was about hot bitchy women eating apples? What are the real-world chances of a man being impaled [ɪm’peɪl] by a rogue white-picket fence in the most picture-perfect Lynchian visual metaphor? Andwho exactly was this smug know-it-all talking over everything?

White Picket 绝望的主妇第四季第9集

我14岁那年,首次观看绝望的主妇这部女性剧情喜剧片,它讲述了一帮住在美国被严重诅咒的街区的女人们。我的一个已经皈依的朋友让我观看了第四季某集里的一个剧情:龙卷风席卷紫藤郡,刚好与一些烦人的叙事线索捆绑在了一起,我那时对发生了什么事情毫无头绪:这部剧里整出个龙卷风干啥?看片头广告,不就是一帮犯贱的娘们吃苹果吗?真实世界里怎么可能会有一个男人被围栏里的白木桩给刺到,而且是那种最为恰如其份的大卫·林奇电影视觉效果? 那个自呜得意,整得无所不知的讲述者又是谁?

With the help of a very grainy, very mid-aughts streaming service, I then watched Desperate Housewives from the start and learned that this woman was not just a narrator — like how Ron Howard is the narrator of Arrested Development for some reason — but an actual ghost. In the first episode of Desperate Housewives, in an act of desperation, Mary Alice Young takes her own life to protect a terrible secret, narrating her own grisly end. In death she’s assigned the role of surveyor of everything, destined to watch every boring and horrific thing her friends do for all eternity. Opening a show with something so shocking and imbuing it with camp felt groundbreaking, and I soon learned that at its core, Desperate Housewives is a melodramatic exercise in extremes. 



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