
DH S01E17 Part03


Wrongdoings / bad deeds

There’s this place called camp Hennessey; it’s designed for teenagers like yourself who’ve lost their way.


Get your hands off me.

Take it from here.

Stand by someone through sth. / Through thick and thin


Moron /idiot:

Do sth behind someone’s back

Where the hell do you come off telling people to stop going to counseling.

Well, he’s tragically underestimated us. The gloves are coming off. (DH S02E21 15:25)


Come off as /like: to give a particular impression.

1、fall off something or to become removed from something;(脱落或从某处被取下);

2、to happen as planned, or to succeed; (举行、发生、出现或某事成功如约而至);

3、to give a particular impression (给人以 某种特别的印象)。


Share of something. Financial, emotional, sexual…

Take someone aside:

Ramp up into sth(meddling things)

Come to someone’s rescue:


Stick her nose into somebody’s affairs.

Stick one’s nose where it doesn’t belong.

Dig something out…


Your foreman said that you’re on a date with a hottie. Someone’s in need of a Lasik.

Lasik: the best known and most commonly performed laser refractive surgery to correct vision problems.

Track someone down:

Stench of betrayal: 通感

Guilt/threaten/drive/ someone into sth:

Before you start whining that dating her is punishment enough.  Save it.

I suppose

Throw someone at sb:

Take pity on someone:

Get sucked into sth:

I bet/guess you

Invite the fox to the hen house: 引狼入室

Obsess over sth:

Con= convicted

The potential for disaster

A recipe for disaster

Get sth done.

I guess I just have it in my head that only bad people break up marriages and offend the handicapped. (6123)

Obsessive Compulsive discord :

Look out for someone:

Take care of someone:

A lot of good it did her.


Some people in this group, presumably a teeny-tiny fraction, they have extreme high standards when it comes to claim their rights,  yet come Membership renewal due time, they start to pinch pennies, as a result, I’m not gonna let them see through the entire picture of my research outcomes, and let’s part of the reason why I’m keep elevating the threshold of my VIP membership.


Let someone have it:  To attack someone, either with words or physically.

Have strong sense of sth…

Developed a taster for / form the hobbit of sth.

Act on it.

Become/be/get attached to someone/sth.

Be a sucker of sb/sth:

Having said that… That being said

It appears that, there may have, may, been a breakdown in our chain of care.

I can assure you we hold our staff to the highest standards in the industry.

I feel for you

I share your feelings.

Alleviate / mitigate:

Monetary compensation

Plea bargain:


Provide that you and you husband waive any future right to litigation.

Buy someone’s way out.

get tangled up in legalese.

Think of something as


Thanks a bunch/million.

Come to one’s rescue.

Daring à>braveryàgoodness

Have the guts and nerve

At one point or another. One time or another, from time to time.

Come along.

Stuck in the deep water.


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