Might as well:“Might as well” is a phrase used to suggest that since a certain action or decision doesn’t have any significant downsides or consequences, it would be better to do it rather than not doing it.  (不妨、倒不如、只好……)

看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Might as well

“Might as well”是一个常用的短语,意思是建议因为某个行动或决定没有任何重大的不利影响或后果,所以做这件事情比不做要好。它通常意味着没有更好的选择,或者无论做出什么选择,结果都不太可能改变。适用“might as well”短语的情况:

  1. “不妨,不如”:用于表示某种选择或行动的建议,有时会带有轻松随意的语气。例如:
  • We’re already here, we might as well check out the museum.(我们已经来了,不妨去看看博物馆。)
  • Since it’s raining outside, we might as well stay home and watch a movie.(外面下雨了,不如呆在家里看电影。)
  1. “不妨试一试”:用于表示对于某种行动或尝试的建议,通常意味着没有什么损失或风险。例如:
  • I’ve never tried sushi before, but I might as well give it a try.(我以前从未尝试过寿司,但不妨试一试。)
  • I’m not sure if I’m good at painting, but I might as well give it a shot.(我不确定自己是否擅长绘画,但不妨试试看。)
  1. “趁热打铁”:用于表示在某个机会或时机到来时立即行动,以充分利用机会。例如:
  • The store is having a huge sale, we might as well take advantage of it and buy some new clothes.(这家商店正在大打折扣,我们趁机买些新衣服吧。)
  • My boss is in a good mood today, I might as well ask him for a raise.(我的老板今天心情不错,我不妨趁机向他要加薪。)
  1. “赶紧”:用于表示完成某项任务或工作的紧迫性。例如:
  • The deadline is tomorrow, I might as well get it over with and finish the report tonight.(截止日期是明天,我赶紧把报告在今晚完成吧。)
  • I don’t like cleaning the house, but I might as well get it over with and finish it before the weekend.(我不喜欢打扫房子,但还是赶紧在周末前完成吧。)
  1. “凭直觉”:用于表示在缺乏明确信息或证据的情况下做出决策。例如:
  • I can’t decide between the two options, but I might as well go with my gut feeling.(我不能在这两个选项之间做出决定,但我还是凭直觉来决定吧。)
  • I’m not sure which movie to watch, but I might as well go with the one that looks interesting.(我不确定要看哪个电影,但不妨选一个看起来有趣的吧。)

以下是英语高频短语“Might as well”在美剧《绝望的主妇》中的情景举例:

E.G. 1:You can’t hold your breath forever! You might as well stay under there and never come up for air. (DH S01E15 37:58)

E.G. 2:I just thought if we were going to focus on a time in Rex’s life, that we might as well focus on the happiest time. (DH S02E01 19:43)

E.G. 3:Susan, say something. — Forget it, Carlos. We might as well confess. (DH S06E21 34:47)

E.G. 4:Carlos might as well call you “King of all important things” and give you a pile of monopoly money. (DH S07E17 29:28)


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