看美剧学实用短语:Pull a wool over one’s eyes

Pull a wool over one’s eyes:to deceive someone in order to prevent them from discovering something or have an advantage over them. (欺骗、忽悠某人以试图掩盖真相和蒙混过关、瞒天过海;尤指用下作的手段蒙蔽他人。)

Pull a wool over someone

以下是实用短语“Pull a wool over one’s eyes”在美剧片断中的情景例句:

E.G.1: I thought we were past the days.when you’d pull the wool over my eyes, telling me the baggie in your underwear drawer is potpourri. And the pee stick in your bathroom.is to check for diabetes. (TBBT S04E09)

E.G.2: I’m still the outsider that doesn’t get invited to the cool parties, and you’re still the perky cheerleader who thinks that she can pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. (DH S01E12)

E.G.3: You can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I know what’s going on. (DA S03E07)

Pull a wool over someone's eyes

关于“Pull a wool over one’s eyes”这个习语的由来:

Wealthy Brits of the 17th and 18th centuries were fond of wearing woolen wigs. To punish those engaging in this sissy practice, brigands [‘brɪɡənd] would tug their victims’ hairpieces down over their faces, the more easily to relieve them of their pounds and pence. The practice of wearing wigs continued into the 19th century at all Britain’s colonies (including America and Australia) and came to be associated with someone who could be easily deceived once their wig was pulled over their eyes.

17和18 世纪的富裕英国人喜欢戴羊毛假发。为了惩罚那些不伦不类的戴假发的有钱人,英语当时的土匪强盗们专找这类人下手,并把受害者的假发一直扯到他们的脸上,这样他们会很痛苦,强盗们更容易逼迫他们交出钱财。戴假发的习俗在英国的所有殖民地(包括美国和澳大利亚)一直持续到19 世纪,之后人们开始将被羊毛假发遮盖住眼睛的人,与容易受骗上当的人联系在一起。


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