
金装律师第一季于2011年6月开播,此后每年更新一季,直到2019年,第九季完播。与前些年大热的律政剧Boston Legal相比,虽说都以大型律师事务所为背景,但该剧没有《波士顿法律》中那些气势磅礴的法庭雄辩。而是将侧重点放在了办公室里的人物日常对话上,各种斗嘴和机智俏皮话,更加贴近律师的日常生活!



Set in New York, “Suits” focuses on a very successful law firm, managed by Jessica Pearson (Gina Torres) who balances the talents of her two top lawyers, the smarmy Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman) who is a control freak, and the very brilliant but egotistical Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht).

《金装律师》以纽约一流的律师事务所为背景。经营合伙人Jessica Pearson (吉娜•托瑞斯饰)手下有两个在各自领域最优秀的律师,爱献殷勤并且控制欲极强的Louis Litt(里克•霍夫曼饰)和能力杰出但是目中无人唯我独尊的Harvey Spector(盖布瑞•马赫特饰)。



There is a particularly appealing and very bright secretary Donna (Sarah Rafferty) and a beautiful paralegal Rachel (Meghan Markel) and last but certainly not least there is Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) – a young lad who dropped out of college because he took tests for fellow students and got caught.

此外还有Harvey那魅力四射聪明绝顶的秘书Donna(莎拉•拉弗提饰),端庄美丽的律师助理Rachel Zane(梅根•马克尔饰)以及万万不能少的年轻小伙子Mike Ross(帕特里克•J•亚当斯饰)。Mike在大学时因替考被抓而辍学。

To pay for his grandmother’s care, Mike agrees to deliver a case of marijuana for his best friend Trevor, a drug dealer. However the deal turns out to be a sting, on the run he accidentally slips into a job interview with Harvey Specter.


Tired of cookie-cutter law school grads, Harvey takes a gamble by hiring Mike on the spot after he recognizes his talent and photographic memory even though Mike doesn’t have a license to practice law. Together they try cases for the firm while maintaining the secret that Mike is a fraud.


剧情介绍到此为止,还记得小编开始提到的这部剧的制胜法宝吗?没错,就是one-liner (俏皮话,a short joke or funny remark)。

由于篇幅有限,下面小编仅给大家献上Harvey Specter的经典台词,其中有风趣笑话,有励志格言,有人生哲理,一起来看看金牌律师的口才!

1.  I don’t pave the way for people…people pave the way for me.


2.  I’m not about caring, I’m about winning.


3.  I’m against having emotions, not against using them.


4. I don’t play the odds, I play the man.


5.  The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.



6.  Winners don’t make excuses.


7. I don’t have dreams, I have goals.


8.  I don’t get lucky. I make my own luck.


9. That’s the difference between you and me, you wanna lose small, I wanna win big.


10. What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head? You take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one. Or, you call their bluff. Or, you do any one of a hundred and forty six other things.



1. Law firm的各个职位:

Managing Partner: 经营合伙人,执行合伙人(剧中女boss: Jessica Pearson)

Junior/Senior Partner:初级/高级合伙人 (剧中前几季Harvey和Louis都是Senior Partner)


Paralegal: 律师助理(剧中Rachel)

2.  与律师有关的单词和短语:

Closer: 结案律师 (Jessica在向客户介绍Harvey的时候就说: “He is the best closer.”)

Close a case: 结案

Practice law: 做律师

Study for the bar: 准备律师资格考试

Get disbarred: 被取消律师资格

Deposition: 取证(通常在律师事务所进行,剧中好多唇枪舌战都发生在deposition过程中)

Settlement meeting: 和解会议(争取在庭外解决纷争)

Pro bono: 无偿志愿提供的法律服务

Testify: 出庭作证

Drop the case: 撤诉,放弃这个案子

3.  与法庭有关的单词和短语:

Subpoena: 法院传票

Trial: 庭审

Jury: 陪审团

Plaintiff: 原告

Defendant: 被告

Opposing Counsel: 对方律师

Judge: 法官(但在法庭上要尊称Your Honor)

Opening statement: 开庭陈词

Objection: 异议(律师在法庭上常喊的一句话,objection的理由之一是lead the witness, 即诱导证人)

Sustained/Overruled: 异议有效/无效(律师在喊完Objection之后法官的回答)

Bail: 保释

Closing argument: 结案陈词


Eric Woodall: Just because you stopped Gunderson from testifying doesn’t mean I’m dropping this case.

Eric Woodall: 就算你阻止了Gunderson出庭作证我也不会撤诉。

Harvey Specter: Then don’t. And I’ll come after you for malicious prosecution.

Harvey Specter: 那就随你,我会反过来告你恶意控告。

Eric Woodall: You have no basis for that.

Eric Woodall: 你没有任何证据。

Harvey Specter: You arrested my client, he was here four hours, and you have no log with an outgoing call to me, all on the basis of a fabricated terrorism claim. Now, if that’s not malicious, I don’t know what is.

Harvey Specter: 你仅以一个莫须有的涉嫌恐怖主义的罪名把我的委托人监禁在这4个小时,却没有打电话通知我。如果这还不算恶意控告,那我就不知道该叫做什么了。

Eric Woodall: You say what you want. You’re a dirty lawyer, and now you’re on my radar.

Eric Woodall: 你爱怎么说怎么说。你是个手段卑劣的律师,我已经盯上你了。

Harvey Specter: If I’m a dirty lawyer, then you’re looking in the mirror.

Harvey Specter: 如果我手段卑劣,那你何尝不是呢?


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