看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Be vocal about/in/on sth

Be vocal about something:it means to express one’s opinions, feelings, or concerns about a particular issue or topic openly and loudly. It often implies that a person is not keeping their thoughts or emotions to themselves but is actively speaking out and advocating for a specific cause or viewpoint. (积极发声、对某事侃侃而谈、直言不讳)

看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Be vocal about sth

中文释义:“Be vocal about/in/on sth” 意味着公开而响亮地表达个人对特定问题或主题的意见、感受或关切。通常意味着一个人不会将自己的思想或情感保留,而是积极地发表言论,并支持特定的事业或观点。

以下是高频短语“Be vocal about sth”在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:She’s a tax and spend Democrat underneath that uniform. — A patriot with a pristine resume who is very vocal about keeping private contractors. (HOC  S06E01 15:55)
参考翻译:她在那身制服下是一位热衷于增税和支出的民主党人。– 一位履历完美、非常坚决主张保留私人承包商的爱国者。

“Tax and spend Democrat” is a political term often used in the United States to describe a member of the Democratic Party who supports policies that involve raising taxes in order to fund government spending on various programs and services. It is often used by critics of these policies to suggest that Democrats are inclined to increase government spending through taxation.

中文定义: “税收和支出民主党人” 是一个常用于美国的政治术语,用来描述民主党党员,他们支持通过提高税收来资助政府在各种计划和服务上的支出政策。这个术语通常由批评这些政策的人使用,以表明民主党倾向于通过征税来增加政府支出。

Pristine [‘prɪstiːn]it refers to a state of purity, originality, or unspoiled condition. It describes something that is in its perfect and untouched state, without any blemishes, flaws, or alterations. (纯净、原始或未受破坏的状态。它描述了一种处于完美和未受损状态的事物,没有任何瑕疵、缺陷或改变。)

E.G.2:He’s a high profile gay rights activist, nationally and abroad. And he’s been very vocal in Russia over the last six weeks. (HOC S03E04 23:16)

E.G.3:Pennsylvania’s first district,Peter Russo. Cross him off. He’s no good. No experience, no chops. — Okay, moving on. Second district, Gwendolyn Pierce. — Nah, Gwen’s too controversial. Very vocal on abortion.  (HOC S01E05 10:08)
参考翻译:宾夕法尼亚的第一选区,彼得·鲁索。将他划掉。他不行。没有经验,没有真才实干。– 好的,继续。第二选区,格温多琳·皮尔斯。– 不行,格温太有争议了。在堕胎问题上发言非常积极。

Cross someone off: A colloquial [kə’ləʊkwiəl] expression that means to remove or eliminate someone from a list or group, often because they are no longer considered relevant, needed, or wanted in that context. It implies making a decision to exclude or dismiss someone.

中文定义: “将某人从名单中划掉” 是一种口语表达,意味着将某人从名单或团体中移除或淘汰,通常是因为他们在该背景下不再被视为相关、需要或受欢迎。这意味着做出排除或解雇某人的决定。注意:“cross sb off” 与”cut sb off”的区别:

No chops: it is an informal slang phrase often used to indicate that someone lacks the necessary skills, ability, or qualifications to perform a particular task or succeed in a specific endeavor. It suggests that the person is not proficient or capable in a given area.

定义: “没有真才实干” 是一种非正式的俚语短语,通常用来表示某人缺乏在特定任务或特定努力中表现出成功所需的技能、能力或资格。它意味着该人在某一领域不熟练或不具备能力。

D.N.C Chair: stands for “Democratic National Committee Chair.” This refers to the leader or chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, which is the principal governing body for the Democratic Party in the United States. The D.N.C Chair is responsible for overseeing the party’s activities, organizing campaigns, and representing the party’s interests at the national level.

中文定义: “D.N.C主席” 是“Democratic National Committee Chair”的缩写,指的是美国民主党全国委员会的领导人或主席。民主党全国委员会是美国民主党的主要管理机构,D.N.C主席负责监督党的活动,组织竞选活动,并在国家层面代表党的利益。

One’s head is in the game:it is an idiom used to describe a situation where someone is fully focused, attentive, and actively engaged in a particular task or activity. It means that the person is mentally present and committed to what they are doing, often indicating a high level of concentration and dedication.

中文定义: “专注于某事的人” 是一个习语,用来描述某人完全专注、聚精会神,并积极参与特定任务或活动的情况。它意味着这个人在精神上全神贯注,致力于正在做的事情,通常表示高度的专注和奉献。

One’s head is up his backside:it is an informal and often crude way of expressing that someone is not thinking clearly or rationally. It implies that the person is being stubborn, obtuse, or unreasonable, and their actions or decisions are not well-informed or logical. (脑袋被驴踢了、形容某人说话做事愚钝固执、不合逻辑)

“某人的脑袋进了他们的屁股里” 是一种非正式、常常粗俗的表达方式,用来表示某人没有清晰或理性地思考。它暗示这个人固执、愚钝或不合理,他们的行为或决策不是基于良好的信息或逻辑。

Competence is such an exotic [ɪɡ’zɒtɪk] bird in these woods:有才能的人在这群人中凤毛麟角,形容人才难觅。

R.N.C.:it stands for “Republican National Committee.” It refers to the principal governing body of the Republican Party in the United States. The R.N.C. is responsible for overseeing the party’s activities, organizing campaigns, and representing the party’s interests at the national level. (共和党全国委员会)

中文定义: “R.N.C.” 是 “Republican National Committee” 的缩写,指的是美国共和党的主要管理机构。R.N.C. 负责监督党的活动,组织竞选活动,并在国家层面代表党的利益。

Campaign machinery:it refers to the organizational structure, resources, and strategies that a political campaign or candidate employs to support their efforts to win an election. It includes elements such as campaign staff, volunteers, fundraising operations, advertising, outreach efforts, and data analysis, all working together to achieve the campaign’s goals. (power base)

中文定义: “竞选机器” 指的是政治竞选或候选人用来支持他们赢得选举的组织结构、资源和策略。它包括竞选工作人员、志愿者、筹款运作、广告、外联工作和数据分析等元素,所有这些都协同工作以实现竞选的目标。

We don’t have a dick:Here dick means a fellow, a guy. (我没连一个人都没有)

A.G.:it is an abbreviation that stands for “Attorney General.” In the context of the United States, the Attorney General is the head of the U.S. Department of Justice and is responsible for representing the federal government in legal matters, overseeing federal law enforcement agencies, and providing legal advice to the President and other executive branch officials. ()

中言定义: “A.G.” 是 “Attorney General” 的缩写。在美国的背景下,司法部长是美国司法部的负责人,负责代表联邦政府处理法律事务,监督联邦执法机构,并向总统和其他行政部门官员提供法律建议。

Get sth in place:

Get one’s eyes on sb/sth:


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