DH S02E08 Part01


collocation /gear/director/role/trend/transaction

Show the door to sb:


Applaud: applause


By any means necessary:

Go desperate length

Social gathering:


Put a price on sth:

How much would you put a price on this antique vase.

The company put a high price on his innovative ideas and offered him a promotion.

The satisfaction of helping others is sth that cannot be easily put a price on.

Vigilante: sb takes the law into their own hands,

Take a vote on sth:

Out of the blue:

Dabbled a little:to engage in an activity or pursue a particular interest in a casual or superficial manner, without committing fully or becoming deeply involved. (涉猎、浅尝)



Held onto sth:

Clear one’s schedule:

Put on a fresh pot:

Booked Solid: fully/completed booked

Time slots.

take a rain check:

a million things to return.



Doing the trick:

Grief: /mourning period

Take sth well:

Different people for different strokes.

Preferences, choices, ways of doings.

The position occupied by a rower who sits nearest the coxswain / ˈkɒksn / or the stern and sets the tempo for the other rowers.

I understand your position.

Wear off/on:
As the evening wore on…


When discussing the fading effect of medication: 当讨论药物效果的消退时

“The painkiller I took earlier is starting to wear off, and the pain is coming back.

When describing the diminishing excitement of an event or experience: (当描述活动或经历的兴奋度逐渐减弱时)
“The novelty of the new job wore off after a few months, and now it feels routine.”

Repetition and novelty


When talking about the fading intensity of emotions: 当谈论情绪的减弱时:
“At first, the anger was intense, but as time passed, it started to wear off.”
参考翻译: “刚开始时愤怒很强烈,但随着时间的流逝,逐渐消退了。”

When discussing the diminishing impact of a trend or fashion: 当讨论趋势或时尚的消退时:
“The popularity of that style quickly wore off, and people moved on to the next trend.” “那种风格的流行迅速消退,人们转向了下一个趋势。” WEB 2.0

When describing the decreasing effectiveness of a product: 当描述产品效力的减弱时:
The effects of the energy drink wore off, and I felt tired again.
参考翻译: “那种能量饮料的效果消退了,我又感到疲倦了。

“Wear”的扩展表达:sth wears on,wear (sb) out, wear (sb) down
Something wears on:it refers to the prolonged effect or impact of a particular thing or situation, gradually causing fatigue, annoyance, or negative emotions. It implies that the continued presence or duration of something is starting to have a negative influence or become burdensome. (某事物持续推进、演变或影响)

“Something wears on” 指的是某个事物或情况的持久效应或影响,逐渐导致疲劳、烦恼或负面情绪。它暗示了某个事物的持续存在或持续时间开始产生负面影响或变得沉重。


E.G.1:But as the evening wore on, the moment Susan had been waiting for… failed to materialize. (DH S03E22 00:59)

E.G.2:The persistent smell of garbage in the hallway wears on the residents’ comfort.


Wear (sb) out:to exhaust someone physically or mentally. It implies that someone is drained or fatigued due to physical exertion, mental effort, or a challenging situation.

E.G.1:The long hike up the mountain wore me out, and I had to take a break to catch my breath.

E.G.2:I guess the excitement of getting a new friend wore him out. (DH S06E23 16:28)

Wear(sb) down:refers to the gradual weakening or wearing away of someone’s resistance, persistence, or patience. It suggests that someone is gradually losing their determination, resolve, or ability to resist.

E.G.1:The stress of the job and the demanding workload gradually wore her down, and she decided to take a break.


E.G.2:She just wore me down, talking about how she’d never met anybody like me, she never felt this way before. (DH S06E07 16:25)


Win sb over:

Platoon: a military unit typically composed of two or more squads, led by a lieutenant.

Rush out:

Set off: trigger a reaction or response

Sneak out:

Slippery: elusive, unpredictable, or difficult to handle.

Herd: stand out from the herd. 放养

Herd cat:


Bat an eye for sth:

Bat one’s eyes:

Cautious / vigilant:

Have eyes in the back of one’s head:

讣告 订婚

Rush out:

Now when the times come to go public with our relationship,


I need you to discuss it with me first.

I need a book to read. (我需要一本书来阅读。)

We have a project to complete.

He needs a computer to work on.




The ability to catch rat justifies a good cat.

A ring tells would-be suitors a woman is spoken for.

Signaling that you’re aviliable.

A naked hand invites unwanted attention.




Child discipline:

To teach the kids how to get away from strangers.

Snap: An interjection to express agreement, approval, or satisfaction. It signifies that the desired response or action has been given or achieved.

Give me a break:

Goes in one ear and out the other. 耳旁风

Off the hook


Better safe than sorry.

I hope I’m not Interrupting

This may sould odd,

Skeptical /paranoid

Set sth on fire:

Turn sb against sb

Whack job: derogatory/ commentary

Crazy / Eccentric / mentally unstable.


Demeanor [dɪ’miːnə]:a person’s outward behavior, appearance, or manner, which can reflect their attitude, personality, or overall demeanor. It encompasses the way someone carries themselves, their facial expressions, body language, and overall demeanor. (行为、风度、举止)


Job Interview: 工作面试
E.G.:Despite facing difficulties, she maintained a calm and composed demeanor. Composure.

Customer Service: 客户服务
E.G.:The suspect’s nervous demeanor raised suspicions among the police officers.

Social Gatherings: 社交聚会
E.G.:His confident demeanor and charismatic personality made him a natural leader.


Freewheeling [ˌfriːˈwiːlɪŋ]:an adjective that describes a person or a situation characterized by a spontaneous, unrestricted, or uninhibited manner. It refers to a carefree and flexible approach without strict rules or limitations. (惯性滑行的;随心所欲的;自由散漫的……)



Epithet [ˈepɪθet]:”Epithet” refers to descriptive words or phrases used to characterize or describe someone or something in a concise and often memorable way. They are typically used to highlight certain qualities, characteristics, or traits of a person or object. (绰号、浑名)


while the getting’s good:An idiomatic expression that means to take advantage of a favorable opportunity or situation while it lasts. It implies the importance of seizing the moment and making the most of a beneficial circumstance. (把握时机、当机立断)

以下是英语习语“Get while the getting’s good“日常对话中常见的情境和例句:


1、When talking about limited-time offers or discounts: (当谈论限时优惠或折扣时)


E.G.1:The sale is ending soon, so let’s get while the getting’s good and buy those shoes.


2、When referring to a temporary advantage or advantage: (当提到临时的优势或机遇时)

E.G.:The job market is booming right now, so I want to get while the getting’s good and find a new job.


3、When discussing the need to act promptly or make a quick decision(当讨论需要迅速行动或做出快速决策时)


E.G.:The concert tickets are selling fast, so we should get while the getting’s good and purchase them.


4、When referring to taking advantage of a favorable situation:(当提到利用有利的情况时)


E.G.:The weather is perfect for a picnic. Let’s grab some food and get while the getting’s good.


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