


Dear All:

This is Owen, the website administrator of 91talk.com, In order for boosting study effenciency and facilitating better involvement, I’d like to propose a better way for our communication and interaction by deviding you guys into different groups.

Here’re 8 clips that we extracted from multiple channels, please listen carefully and try to feel the rythem and distinguish the words and phrases while they’re talking. And I’m sure you’ll suprised, oh my goodness, how long should I go to truly master the English language?

All of you are encourage to fill out an form that we designed to make this transition by tomorrow. Some of you might be thinking, Wow…I have no difficulties of comphrending an English tutorial,a foreginer’s speech, but the brutal truth is that you’re just at beginner’s level.

So,let’s wish the best of the following days of our journey, I strongly believe that together we can make a difference, together we can make a progress. Thank you very much for your attention!



Clip 1
We get off a train, We get off a plane, We get off a boat, We get off a bicycle, however ,for cars, we say ,we get in a car or get out off a car, for the opposite, get in and get out off cars. We go out if we leave a room, we come in if we enter a room, go out the room ,come in the room. We pick something up if it’s on the floor, if we, perhaps, drop it, we pick it up, pick something up. We look after children and small animals maybe, we give them food ,we give them water, we give them help ,we give them warmth, take care of. We look for something if we can’t find it ,we look for our keys if we can’t find our keys.

Clip 2
We are also gonna talk about stress ,stress is what words you choose to stress in a given sentence,What are you doing or what are you doing ?what versus doing. There are some patterns and natural ways of saying things, there are also a lot of freedom. Of course ,it depends on the context, attitude and many of other things. But you first need to know the building blogs and the basis of what words you are usually stress and what words are not stressed, for the most part. Now lastly we have rhythm, rhythm is the real deal, the feel of the language, it’s really owning it, once you start using an American rhythm. Now you have to understand that English is a perfect balance between the long versus short, the high versus low, the stress versus the effortless. And when you are able to balance between all these things in an effortless and clear way. This is when you become a strong speaker who is able to communicate their message in a clear and confident way.

Clip 3
Exactly one year has passed since the night Mike Delfino and Susan Mayer was supposed to be come engaged. So when Mike take Susan to her favorite restaurant. She just knew he was going to pop the question. What are you gonna have? And when he did. The chicken. She’d be ready with her question. But as the evening wore on, the moment Susan has be waiting for. Failed to materialize.

Clip 4
And here we are with another female-centric show. So what is about women that intrigues you? I love writing female characters that find women endless complicated and fascinating. And I think it goes back to my days on the Golden Girl that was my first female-ensemble show that I wrote for.
And there is something about female-ensemble show they just attractive me and different female exchanging ideas. And you know it is just something that always energize me as a writer.

Clip 5
Despite being a country of huge statistics and sort of shock and awe statistics. We all read about in our media. China is also a human story, story of wise men nation. After really tough modern histories and the aspirations of Chinese people that is after all the fifth of humanity. So today I thought I’d talk about three things, three very specific things that will have an impact on everyone here, and will have an impact on our futures, our global futures.

Talk about the new land and new world, that’s creative. The three specific things– The first which is the nature of Chinese strength and power, so in modren history, we have been very, very youth to…uh…China, which is weak, and our mindsets, When I say our, I mean people in Europe, people in North America, basically Non-Chinese, we’re quite comfortable with the idea of China, which is alway marginal and on the edges.

Clip 6
So you finish school of an university and come out of a load of academic qualifications. You are ready to start make some series money in the business world. But how much will your academic
qualifications help you. Unfortunately, the answer to that questions is sometimes being not a lot.
Academic qualifications are all well and good. But without professional qualifications, you might find yourself making theoretically sound. But practically disastrous decision. Professional
qualifications can help you prepare for and deal with specific aspects of your job.

Clip 7
I want borrow from Reagan. I’d like to coin the phrase “Trickle-down” diplomacy, that way. Frank, I’m gonna stop you there. We are not nominating you for the Secretary of State. I know, he made you a promise. But circumstances have changed. The nature of promises, Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances. Garrett has thought long and hard about this. And he’s
decided we need you to stay in Congress.

Click 8
And the question is gonna be that, if you have a sequence of words, if you have a string of words, how can you determine what the constituents are that make up that string, what is the evidence for a certain sequence of words being a constituent or not being a constituent, that is to say, are there diagnostics for constituent structure that can be applied, the main two diagnostics that can be used to work out what a constituent structure of a sentence or phrase is, are on the one hand, whether that sequence that you’re looking at can be replaced by a single word. So that’s one family of tests of constituency, replacement or substitution tests, whether you can replace a sequence you’re concerned with by a single word, and the other main class of tests of constituency is movement or displacement that is, can that same sequence of words that you’re looking at and trying to work out whether or not is a constituent, can that sequence of words be moved within a sentence, can it be displaced and occur somewhere else while the meaning of the sentence is more or less preserved.


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