
Susan: Lonny… 洛尼

——>>how much financial trouble are you really in? 你的财务问题究竟有多严重

Lonny: I’m fine. 我没事的

——>>You know what it is? 你知道怎么回事吗

——>>I had to pay all those people back at the same time. 我必须一次付清所有人的钱

——>>Restitution plus interest 连本带利

——>>It’s not something I’d recommend 我可不想这样

——>>It sucks you dry 一下就把人榨干了

Restitution plus interest相关例句:

1、The court ordered the company to pay $10 million in restitution plus interest to the victims of the fraud scheme. (法院命令公司向诈骗计划受害者支付1,000万美元的赔偿金以及利息。)
2、The bank agreed to provide restitution plus interest to the customers who were affected by the unauthorized transactions. (银行同意向受未经授权交易影响的客户提供赔偿金和利息。)
3、The settlement agreement requires the defendant to pay restitution plus interest to the plaintiff for damages caused by the breach of contract. (和解协议要求被告向原告支付违反合同造成的损害赔偿金和利息。)
4、The government agency is seeking restitution plus interest from the company for overcharging consumers for their services. (政府机构要求公司向消费者因服务过度收费支付赔偿金和利息。)
5、The insurance company was ordered to pay restitution plus interest to the policyholders who were denied their claims. (保险公司被命令向被拒赔保单持有人支付赔偿金和利息。)


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