
One man’s toxic sludge is another man’s potpourri

Parody : 仿拟/

Carrot /stick

That’s rather more your speed, isn’t it?

Speed:【slanga person’s inclination, skills, or character. 美国传统字典

The arrival of the man in the middle of the conversation adds an element of tension and disruption to the scene. His comment about “sludge” and “liquid gold” is somewhat served as a reminder to Lynette that if she doesn’t take it seriously the underlying chemistry in its early stages / kill the movement in its infancy, and make considerable efforts to inhibit any sparks between her husband Tom and Annabel /there is a strong possibility that their old flames will be rekindled.

Back to the trenches: office cubicle/ pod

Rock solid

Lynette’s discovery of Annabel’s presence in the same office as her husband may be a significant blow to her sense of security in their relationship. She may feel betrayed by Tom’s decision not to tell her, and she may view Annabel’s presence as a threat to their marriage.

Judging from the information I’ve gathered from previous episode, we can tell that Annabel’s return three months ago can be partly attributed to Tom, as he holds a management position in Peterson’s company, and feels guilty about the way he ended his relationship with Annabel. Consequently, when his boss Peterson sought to fill a position in the company, Tom vouched for her. However, Tom deliberately chose not to inform Lynette of this until she discovered that Annabel was working in the same office as her husband. 

Tom’s guilt over how he ended things with Annabel may be amplified by the fact that he is now working with her again. It’s possible that he is trying to make amends by helping her secure the job, but the fact that he did not inform Lynette about Annabel’s employment raises questions about his true intentions. 

Meanwhile, Annabel’s decision to take the job offer may be viewed as a calculated move by both Tom and Lynette. If Tom is trying to reconnect with Annabel, he may see her employment as an opportunity to do so, while Lynette may view Annabel’s acceptance of the job as further evidence of her suspicions about their relationship.

The conversation between Annabel and Lynette seems to have taken a surprising turn as Lynette asks Annabel if she has feelings for Tom. Annabel initially seems taken aback by the question, but then acknowledges that she and Tom were once in love. However, she clarifies that she is not looking to break up Tom and Lynette’s marriage, and implies that Lynette may be more inclined towards infidelity than she is.

Sweet mother of God:

千分之一:One thousandth. One tenth of a percent.


Warrant: /

They’ve committed a mortal sin:

Come along:


Ulterior motive:

Ample grounds:

Approach: address/deal with/cope with

Pull sb in:


Schoolyard crush:

Face the music:

Leave sth behind:

Talking shop:

Screw sb over:






Snoop/went around/through [rummage]

Name after:


Put sth behind:



Obvious: /

Pull the crap:

Anyone is capable of anything:

Pattern of behavior:

Force of habit / old habits die hard.

recurrent way of acting by an individual or group toward a given object or in a given situation.

A leopard can’t change its spots.

Give a break:

Jump down my throat: 

Ancient history: 

How long do we have to be married, how long until you actually trust me. 

You’re so convinced that I’m gonna be unfaithful.

It seems you’re not gonna be happy until you drive me out of the marriage just to prove yourself right.

Come to one’s sense:

An eye for eye:

On cloud nine: / blissful happiness.

Over the moon:

Inside scoop: 小道消息,内幕消息

Bidding process:

Pull an all-nighter:

Do the time:

Stay pink: being at the peak of something.

Means a lot to me:

government-sponsored vacation:

The bottom line is:

For god’s sake:

Commitment ceremony: 承诺仪式

A commitment ceremony is defined as a marriage ceremony in which two people commit their lives to each other, but it isn’t legally binding. Commitment ceremonies might look the same as legally binding weddings, but at no point does the couple go off to sign paperwork and make the marriage legal by government standards.

 croquet set: 槌球装置

Tamper with:

Nausea: —à> Rage


Crash the party:

Not taking no for an answer: 不达目的不罢休

What the hell:


Accept the reality:

Blessing in disguise:

What seems to us bitter trails are often blessing in disguise. (Oscar Wilde)

Susan accidently burned edit’s house down in Episode one.


The spread of Covid-19 in China has been contained.

Get into someone:

What’s eating you? 什么事让你心事重重的

What’s nagging you? 有什么烦心事吗

What if…

That’s all there is to it:

Get/have sth to do with sth:

In over one’s head:

As a matter of fact:

PI: Private investigator:


旧情人:old flame /old lover

Be preoccupied with: completely focused on whatever you’re doing.


TomLynette! 勒奈特!

——>> Hey, honey! 亲爱的

——>> Are you home? 你在家吗

LynetteThree months? 3个月?

TomGod, you… scared the hell out of me. 天哪 你把我的胆都吓破了

LynetteWere you ever gonna tell me? 你有没打算过要告诉我

TomI wanted to, but I kept putting it off. 我有想过,可总是话到嘴边却难以启齿

——>> I knew you’d react. 我知道你会有什么反应

LynetteCongratulations, you read me like a book. 恭喜 你对我了如指掌

——>> Why would you hire that woman? 你为什么要雇那个女人

TomLook, technically, Peterson found her. 严格来说 是彼德森找她来的

——>> I just vouched for her. 我只是为她做担保

LynetteTom… 汤姆

TomCome on, honey, I’m just helping her out. 拜托, 亲爱的 我只是帮了她一把

——>> It’s the least I can do. 这点小忙我还是得帮的

——>> Look, she was devastated when I left her for you. 当时我为了你离开她时 她都崩溃了

——>> I felt bad. 我良心不安

LynetteDo you still have feelings for her? 你是不是对她还有感觉

TomAll right, I’m not talking to you. 行吧 不跟你说了

LynetteCome on, you can tell me. You still care about her, don’t you? 告诉我没关系 你还关心她对吗?

——>> Just a teeny tiny little bit? 哪怕只是一丁点儿

TomI was just trying to be a good guy. That’s all. 我只是想做个好人 仅此而已

LynetteWell, you can’t work with her. 你不能跟她一起工作

TomWhat do you want me to do? Quit? 你要我怎样辞职吗

LynetteTalk to Peterson, maybe he can get her transferred. 跟彼德森谈谈 也许他能把她调走

——>> Weren’t you guys planning on starting something up in Belize? 你们不是打算在伯利兹城开拓市场吗

TomHoney, you’re crazy. 宝贝你疯了-

LynetteNo, I’m serious. 不 我认真的

——>> If she stays, I will haunt your office. 她不走 我就会经常去你办公室

——>> I’ll bring your lunch every day. 每天给你送午餐

——>> I’ll bring the kids to visit, 带上孩子们

——>> I will change diapers on your desk. 在你的办公桌上换尿布

——>> Every birthday cake in the break room, 每一个休息室里的生日会

——>> every retirement party, 每一个退休晚会

——>> I will be there, watching her. 我都要参加 监视着她

TomWell, I’d better get you a parking space, 那我最好给你弄个停车位

——>> cause she’s staying. 因为她不会走

AnnabelLynette, hey, if you’re looking for Tom, 勒奈特如果你要找汤姆

——>> he’s out with a client. 他出去见客户了

LynetteNo. I actually wanted to see you. 不是 其实我是来找你的

AnnabelYou know, that’s really funny, 还可真巧

——>> I was thinking the same thing. 我也正想找你呢

——>> I’ve been here all this time. 我整天都呆在这儿

——>> We should go out, for lunch, just the two of us. 我们应该出去吃个午饭 就我们俩

LynetteYeah. I’ll check my book. 好啊 我查查我的日程表

——>> So, Annabel… 安娜贝尔

——>> … Do you have feelings for Tom? … 你还喜欢汤姆吗

AnnabelWhat? 你说什么

LynetteYou heard me. 你没听错

AnnabelOK, you wanna talk about this? 好吧 既然你要谈

——>> Let’s talk. 那我们就谈谈好了

——>> Yes, Tom and I were in love. 没错 汤姆和我是曾热恋过

——>> But he married you. 但他和你结婚了

——>> I’m not looking to break up a happy couple. 我也没打算去拆散一对恩爱夫妻

——>> Anyway, that’s rather more your speed, isn’t it? 况且这事你做得比我顺手多了 不是吗

ManMorning, ladies. 女士们 早上好

——>> Just coming in for a little more fuel. 我进来充充电

——>> Yup. One man’s sludge is another man’s liquid gold. 别人当作垃圾的东西,而我却视若珍宝。

——>> Well, back to the trenches. 好了 回去继续奋斗

LynetteWatch your step. Tom and I are a team. 给我注意点 汤姆和我密不可分

——>> Our marriage is rock solid. 我们的婚姻坚不可摧

——>> Nothing you do could ever break that up. 无论你做什么 都是白费心机

AnnabelThen why are you down here right now, warning me? 那你何必站在这里警告我

Background introduction:

Tom holds a management position, and he feels guilty about the way he ended his relationship with Annabel. Consequently, when his boss Peterson sought to fill a position in the company, Tom vouched for Annabel. However, Tom deliberately chose not to inform Lynette of this until she discovered that Annabel was working in the same office as her husband.

Lynette’s discovery of Annabel’s presence in the same office as her husband may be a significant blow to her sense of security in their relationship. She may feel betrayed by Tom’s decision not to tell her, and she may view Annabel’s presence as a threat to their marriage.

The conversation between Annabel and Lynette seems to have taken a surprising turn as Lynette asks Annabel if she has feelings for Tom. Annabel initially seems taken aback by the question, but then acknowledges that she and Tom were once in love. However, she clarifies that she is not looking to break up Tom and Lynette’s marriage, and implies that Lynette may be more inclined towards infidelity than she is.

The sudden shift in the conversation is interesting because it suggests that there may be some underlying tension or suspicion between Annabel and Lynette. Lynette’s question implies that she may have some reason to suspect that Annabel is still interested in Tom, despite his being married to her. Annabel’s response suggests that she is aware of this suspicion, and may even be a bit resentful of it.

The arrival of the man in the middle of the conversation adds an element of tention and disruption to the scene. His comment about “sludge” and “liquid gold” is somewhat served as a reminder to Lynette that if she doesn’t take it serioiusly the underlying chemistry in its early stages / kill the movement in its infancy , and make considerable efforts to inhibit any sparks between her husband Tom and Annabel /there is a strong possibility that their old flames will be rekindled.

Tom’s guilt over how he ended things with Annabel may be amplified by the fact that he is now working with her again. It’s possible that he is trying to make amends by helping her secure the job, but the fact that he did not inform Lynette about Annabel’s employment raises questions about his true intentions.

Meanwhile, Annabel’s decision to take the job offer may be viewed as a calculated move by both Tom and Lynette. If Tom is trying to reconnect with Annabel, he may see her employment as an opportunity to do so, while Lynette may view Annabel’s acceptance of the job as further evidence of her suspicions about their relationship.

Overall, the situation now appears even more fraught with tension and potential conflict. The characters are now connected through work, which may intensify their personal dynamics and add a new layer of complexity to their relationships.


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