
Leave sb in dust:

Charge sb with something:

There’s a motive to every mystery, evidence of every crime, an answer to every question. And eventually every secret will be revealed.

Take a closer look:

Dark secrets:

Quiet desperation:

If you could…

It’s Friday double-coupon day.

Black Friday:

Look back on / track back to…


Gray and meaningless – color



Better off:


If we’d seen the kid, we certainly wouldn’t have left him sitting in the middle of a crack house.

post somebody at somewhere:


Dispatch /dispense justice

Track someone down:

Unwritten rules:

梳妆打扮好 Are you girl/ladies decent?

With uncombed hairs and unmade faces.


Bounce back:

Lose it!

Remain one’s composure.

Fend for sb: self-sufficient

Shoulder the burden: /assume the heavy-lifting.

Foster parents / custody:


Spare sb something:

To save someone from having to go through an unpleasant experience; to not force one to listen to or engage in something, especially that which is tedious, dull, or unpleasant.



Buying a place site unseen:

Political correctness:


Realtor’s walkthrough:


The whole point of having sth was so (that) someone could reach you when they needed to talk.


So/such…that: 结果状语从句

So that: 目的状语从句


The signal is not stable, I’ve only got on bar.

Lousy / Crappy

Bad signal:

Delay / latency

Stress out:

As soon as…

Make an appointment with sb:

Rush to judgement:


Pick up someone’s brain:


1.5 12

Scarifies a few days of your worth in exchange for a few years of your time.

Frowned upon:

Heterosexual / homosexual

In some circles: along the same path course or logic.

Get sb out the mess:


Be on *-duty:

Be supposed to do sth:

Semblance of life:

Family-resemblance: 家族相似性


More power to sb:


Bring it:

She plotted the scheme:


Undermined/sabotaged/torpedo her husband’s career.



Got a vibe: 有心理感应的,有默契的

he can predict what’s Bree is going to do.

Rex had a thing of S&M

Rex has been playing the good cop

While Bree was the bad cop.

Act in accordance with someone’s orders.

Push someone around.

Dictating the rules / have a major say

Pull a stunk:

Detergent commercial:

Lame duck:

As of this moment, Rex, I am no longer your wife.

I am gonna go out and find

the most vindictive lawyer I can find,

and together we are going to eviscerate you.

Breeà> George –->>Rex

Put his wife on pedestal:

Strike a resonating chord:

Overall quality:

Look on the bright side:

The best is yet to come:

Your future-self will appreciate your current endeavor.

The odds are slim:

From here on in: from this moment forward

Even / level the playing field

For the record

Come through sth just fine.

Come through sth with flying color.

Can’t see the Forrest for the trees.

Don’t bite more than you can chew.


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