



Robin:Mrs. D.! D女士!
Susan:Robin! 罗宾!
Robin:I hope you don’t mind me just showing up, 希望你不介意我不请自来
–>> but I thought about what you said, and you were right. 我想过你说的话,你是对的
–>> It’s never too late to change your life, so I quit double d’s. 亡羊补牢为时不晚 所以我从双D俱乐部辞职了
Susan:You did?  是嘛?
Robin: I was pretty scared at first, 开始有点儿担忧
–>> but now I think it’s the best thing I  ever did. 但现在想来 觉得是我做过的最棒的事
Susan:Well, that’s great. 行啊 那很好啊
Robin:I never would have had the guts without talking to you. 和你谈话之后 我才有的勇气
–>> you’re like my role model. 你就好像我的人生楷模
Susan:Really? that’s sweet. 真的吗? 这么说我很受用
Robin:My old role model was Candi, down at the club, but she o.d.’d.  我前一个楷模是Candi,之前俱乐部的红人,嗑药死掉了
Susan:Well, I will, uh, try to do Candi proud. 那我尽量让Candi为你骄傲吧
–>> good for you, robin. 你真行 Robin
–>> I know change takes a lot of courage. 我知道改变需要勇气
Robin:Oh, it sure does. 哦 的确没错
–>> So what do i do now? 我现在应该怎么办呢?
–>> you know…就是…
–>> what’s my next move? where do I work now? 我下一步干什么呢? 我去哪工作啊?
Susan:I’m sorry. 抱歉
–>> Y-you quit without having anything else lined up? 你还没想好后路就把工作辞了?
Robin:I know it was a little hasty, 我知道是有些草率
–>> but you said I could do whatever I wanted. 但是你说的我可以做我想做的事
–>> You sounded so sure. you’re still sure, right? 你很确定的告诉我的 你现在还是很确定的 对吧?
Susan:Yes, yes. I’m very sure. The world is your oyster. huh. 没错 是的 我很确定 世界是你的
–>> You have saved up, right? 你有积蓄 对吧?
Mike:She stripped for nine years and didn put anything away? 她做了9年的脱衣舞娘 却没有一点积蓄?
Susan:Apparently there was a boob job and a bad relationship. 很明显她做过隆胸 有过一段不好的恋情
–>> and the rising cost of glitter. 为了漂亮也花了不少钱
–>> I have to find a way to help her. 我必须得想办法帮她
Mike:And why is this your responsibility? 这怎么成了你的责任了?
Susan:Because I’m the one that told her to quit. 因为是我让她辞的职
–>> I didn’t think she’d listen. no one listens to me. 我以为她不会听我的话呢 没人听我的话
–>> I keep telling you how much I hate that shirt, and there it is. 我告诉你多少遍我讨厌这件衬衫,可是你现在还穿着呢
Mike:Okay, we’ll help her. what do you have in mind? 好吧 我们帮她 你想怎么帮她?
Susan:We need to find her a job. 我们得给她找个工作
Mike:Well, what can she do? 她能做什么啊?
–>> does she have skills that don’t involve 除了做脱衣舞娘
–>> picking up a dollar without using her hands? 还有其他的本事么?
Do someone proud:To do something good that makes people you are connected with feel proud. (让有关联的人感觉到骄傲与自豪)
E.G.1:The Wandering Earth film crew has done the chinese fans proud at the begining of the year of pig.


E.G.2:Succeed in landing spacecraft on the dark side of the moon, Aerospace China have once again done us proud. 


Without having anything lined up:If you do sth without having anthing else lined up, it means you are willing to let go sth without having a backup plan. (不留后路)

 E.G.1:I’m contemplating quitting my job without anything lined up this year. 


 E.G.2:I do not encourage you guys to quit without something lined up except in one explicit situation: if there is something illegal, unethical, or actions which carry reputational risk for you. 




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