看金装律师学地道表达:A Hail Mary

Throw a Hail Mary:A maneuver tried against heavy odds.This term originated in football, where it means a last-ditch attempt to score because time is running out. (孤注一掷、背水一战)

A Hail Mary is a prayer to the Virgin Mary that is said by Roman Catholics. “A Hail Mary pass” or “Hail Mary route” in American football refers to any very long forward pass made in desperation with only a small chance of success, especially at or near the end of a half.

看金装律师学英语地道表达:A Hail Mary

以下是英语地道表达“A Hail Mary”在美剧《金装律师》中的情景例句:

E.G.1:I’m the kind of guy, that when the clock says, “The game’s over, take a knee,” that’s when I throw a hail Mary. (Suits S02E02 13:02)

E.G.2:I was doing nothing because he had nothing. And then I had the tape thrown out and he had less than nothing. Then he threw a hail Mary and you just caught it. (Suits S03E07 02:28)

E.G.3:The judge was gonna toss this case unless Cahill came up with a Hail Mary. (Suits S06E07 07:55)
参考翻译:如果Cahill 没有想出一个非常规的方法,这个案子就会被法官驳回。

以下是美剧《金装律师》关于“Throw a Hail Mary”的情景对话举例:

Harvey:There’s no shame in declaring bankruptcy, okay? 申报破产不是应该感到羞耻的事情,好吗?
——>> It’s a tool that will allow you to survive. 这是一种让你能够生存下去的手段。
Fred:Wanna know the kind of guy I am, Harvey? 你想知道我是什么样的人吗?
——>> I’m the kind of guy, that when the clock says, “The game’s over, take a knee,” 我是那种人,当时钟显示比赛结束,要跪下认输时,
——>> that’s when I throw a hail Mary. 我会来一场绝境反击。

欧文点评:The speaker is saying that declaring bankruptcy is not something to be ashamed of, as it can be a useful tool for survival. They then describe themselves as the type of person who doesn’t give up easily, and who will take risks even when it seems like the game is over. The phrase “take a knee” is used as a metaphor for giving up or conceding defeat, while “throwing a hail Mary” refers to a last-ditch effort to win, often in sports. The speaker is suggesting that they are not willing to give up, even when things look bleak.

说话者表示,申报破产不是应该感到羞耻的事情,因为它可以成为生存的有用工具。然后他们描述自己是那种不轻易放弃,甚至在比赛似乎结束时也会冒险的人。短语“take a knee”被用作放弃或认输的隐喻,而“throwing a hail Mary”则是指在体育比赛中的最后一搏。说话者表示,即使情况看起来很糟,他们也不愿意放弃。


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