Narrator: There was a reason David Bradley was the most successful lawyer in all of Fairview. His arguments were persuasive, his manner was forceful, and he tended to win on appeal. And when it came to the more challenging cases, he knew it was to his advantage to raise the first objection.

看绝望的主妇学英语:Dinner Reservation

大卫·布莱德利成为美景镇上最杰出的律师是有原因的: 他的论证极具说服力,我不会告诉任何人,他的举止异常强硬,而且他总能够赢得上诉(双关:征服女人)。倘若碰上比较棘手的案件,他知道如何在最初佯装拒绝,从而使自己占据上风。

Narrator: There was a reason David Bradley

——>> was the most successful lawyer in all of Fairview.

——>> His arguments were persuasive…

David: no one ever has to know.

Narrator: His manner was forceful…

David: Take it off, Take it off 脱掉 脱掉

Narrator: And he tended to win on appeal.

David: Please求你了

Narrator: And when it came to the more challenging cases,

——>> he knew it was to his advantage

——>> to raise the first objection.

David: I’m not gonna take your case. 我不愿接你的案子

Gabrielle: What? 你说什么

David: Yes. 什么事

Clerk: Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Bradley 抱歉 打扰一下 布莱德利先生

——>> Your dinner just canceled. Want me to pull your reservation? 您的晚餐取消了 要我为您撤消预约吗

David: No, I still have to eat. 不用 饭总归还是要吃的

——>> I’m sorry, where were we? 对不起 我们刚才说到哪里了

Gabrielle: You were about to turn me down, 你正打拒绝我的案子

——>> and then you reconsidered但你将会重新考虑

——>> once you realized I was gonna throw a ton of money at you, 因为你知道 我将会扔给你一大笔钱

——>> which I am. 这是事实

David: Ah It’s not about the money for me anymore, Mrs. Solis. 这不是钱的问题 索利斯太太

——>> The fact is, if I don’t feel passionately about a client, 事实上 如果我对一位客户没有赢下案子的激情

——>> if I don’t feel that fire in my belly, 如果我无法感受到自己体内的激情之火

——>> I don’t bring my A-game to court, 我就不可能在法庭上表现优异

——>> and from what I’ve read, 并且就我对于这个案子的了解

——>> it’ll take my A-game to save your husband 我必须有完美的发挥 才能救出你丈夫

Gabrielle: Is this about the gay bashing thing? 不就是他殴打同志这事儿吗

——>> He’s innocent他是清白的

David: He went berserk and attacked a man in court 他盛怒之下在法庭上对人施暴

Gabrielle: Yeah, but that was a jealousy thing 对 但那是出于嫉妒

——>> The man that my husband was trying to kill in court 我老公在法庭上打的那个人

——>> is not the least bit gay, trust me 压根就不是同性恋 请相信我

David: Your file also says you’re seeking conjugal visits. 资料上还说 你一直在申请夫妻探视

——>> Trying to keep the old marriage alive, huh? 努力想要挽回昔日的夫妻情分 对吗

Gabrielle: Why does everybody have a problem 为什么所有人都极力阻挠

——>> with me having sex with my husband? 我和我老公的性生活呢

David: Can I be frank? 我能实话实说吗

Gabrielle: Only if it ends with me getting what I want 如果你能让我如愿以偿 就说吧

David: Your marriage is doomed 你的婚姻注定是要失败的

Gabrielle: Excuse me? 你说什么

David: I’ve been doing this for a long time, Mrs. Solis 我从事这个行业已很久了 索利斯太太

——>> I know what incarceration can do to a relationship 我了解监禁对于婚姻意味着什么

——>> Marriage is hard enough, 婚姻本身就已足够艰难的了

——>> but when you throw in cement walls, 但当你被扔近水泥墙筑成的监狱

——>> armed guards, iron bars,一天到晚就是武装警卫和铁栅栏

——>> it tends to go downhill rather quickly 婚姻就会迅速随之瓦解掉

——>> Conjugal visits not withstanding 夫妻探视根本于事无补

Gabrielle: But I… 但我

David: Listen, you want my advice? 你先别说 想听听我的建议吗

——>> Walk away. 离婚

——>> You’re young. 你还年轻

——>> You made a mistake. You learn from it. 你犯了个错误 然后从中吸取教训

——>> Maybe next time you’ll marry smarter. 也许下次你会嫁得更好

——>> Now if you’ll excuse me, I have dinner reservations 如果你不介意 我晚餐还有约呢

Gabrielle: Reservation 预约(纠正发音)

——>> You’re eating alone, remember? 可你晚上是一个人吃饭 记得吗

——>> And I have a feeling it’s not the first time. 我猜这肯定不是你第一次一个人吃饭了


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