



一个唱红脸一个唱白脸,比喻在解决 矛盾冲突的过程中,一个充当友善或令人喜爱的角色,另一个充当严厉或令人讨厌的角色。

所以,汉语的白脸(坏人)和红脸(好人)在英语中对应的表达是bad cop和good cop哦~~


When it comes to parenting, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will ensure success. The ‘good cop, bad cop’ technique has been instilled in us through decades of parental experience. It began as a psychological tool employed by law enforcement interrogators, but it has now evolved into a tried-and-true parenting strategy.

When your child has a problem, one parent performs the role of the “good cop,” calming the youngster and not taking any drastic steps. The ‘bad cop’ is in charge of enforcing discipline and is generally the one who administers the sanctions. It may seem like something out of a parenting manual, but it is really effective.

Good Cop Bad Cop parenting is reasonable as a division of parental responsibilities, but it isn’t particularly useful. Giving in to avoid confrontation (and leaving the mess for someone else to clean up) usually leads to greater conflict in the long run. While it’s simple to see how this parenting style may destroy marriages, the influence it has on parent-child interactions may not be so obvious at first. When this style of parenting is used to its maximum potential, secrets start to form all over the house. Kids maintain secrets from the parent they see as the “bad cop,” and even inform the “good cop” and engage them in the concealment. The “good cop” wants their kid to trust them, so they keep the secret – even if it means harming their marriage and their child’s bond.

If you notice indications of the “good cop, bad cop” parenting pattern developing in your household, you may begin working with your partner on some easy remedies to help prevent the dynamic from becoming habitual. To begin, chat with your spouse and see if you can create any common ground. Once you’ve established a more solid parenting foundation, you may commit to sticking to these principles and ironing out any inconsistencies as they arise.

You should try and put up a unified front. Both parents should believe and portray similar mindsets to the kid. Although, putting up a unified front does not necessarily imply that you and your partner agree on how to raise your child. However, it does imply that you try not to argue about it in front of your kid.

Your partner, for example, could believe that your child should finish her homework straight after school. You could believe she requires some downtime first. If your child hears both sides of the argument, she may get perplexed about what to do, if schoolwork is a priority, and who has the greatest influence. When you and your partner have a disagreement in front of the kids, set a signal to let your partner know that you need to talk about it before dealing with the problem. It’s preferable to be unified in front of the kids and support one another than to make impulsive decisions that lead to conflict and strain family ties.


M: Before we begin, would either of you like somecookies, milk, lemonade or perhaps.

D: Mom, why are we here?

M: Ah, cutting to the chase. I like it. I have a confession to make.This whole dating drama has been keeping me up at night. And I hate being the bitchy naggy mom. When it comes to parenting, I’m much more comfortable playing the good cop. You see where I’m going with this?

D: No.

M: Oh, well, in that case, meet the bad cop.

D: Daddy.

F: Hi, baby girl. Is that the guy?

M: Yep, get him.

D: It is so unfair.

M: Look, you defied my wishes. You broke my rules. Did you really think I was just gonna throw in the towel? Face it, I outsmarted you.


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